December 5, 2012 · IGG

Indiegogo Doubles-Down on International



As crowdfunding continues to affect the lives of millions of people around the world, Indiegogo has been listening carefully to our global community of campaigners and contributors. With that, we’re very excited to announce some new enhancements to our global platform — currencies, languages and localized experiences — that will help our community in the UK, Europe, and Canada get more out of their crowdfunding experiences.

Starting today, Indiegogo will now support transactions through PayPal in Euros, Pounds Sterling, and Canadian Dollars — in addition to the US Dollar. Our hope is to give campaigners and contributors more bang for their buck/Euro/Pound/Dollar.

Additionally, we wanted to start creating localized experiences of our platform by enhancing our language offerings and browsable content. Starting this month, we’re allowing the option to translate in French and German as well as providing Customer Happiness support in those two languages. Finally, in early 2013, we will be rolling out fully-localized versions of our site for users in the UK, Canada, France, and Germany — giving them easier access to local campaigns via our homepage, search, and browse features.

Indiegogo is already engaging a community of funders, makers, dreamers, and doers in more than 196 countries around the world — and now, we’re improving the crowdfunding experience on a local level. We’re doubling-down on international and it’s only the beginning of our glocalization. In the meantime, as we introduce new features, Indiegogo will continue to provide a global platform where anyone, anywhere in the world can raise money for any idea.

Have an idea? Start a campaign today and raise money in Euros, Pounds, US Dollars, and Canadian Dollars.