If you want to get into an investor mindset before you read about the following campaigns, check out the first episode of Elevator Pitch on Entrepreneur, and see what you think of of the latest innovation ideas.

You’ve already heard about this campaign, but you should hear about it again. We Go Higher started as a film by and for kids who lost loved ones in 9/11, but it has become much more. An 18-year-old who lost her father and two uncles on that tragic day wanted to gather the stories of other children who had the same experience. In here words, she felt like their stories were “being editorialized” largely because at the time they were too young to tell them. Even though the film is centered around this particular event, its meant to show the good that can come from sadness when people turn to each other for love and support.

I know I have previously said that an IGG product was the cutest robot in the world, but this one really is. To be fair, the STEMosaur isn’t exactly a robot, but it will teach children the skills they need to build robots of their own by using AI. Better yet, it’s a conversation partner for your kids when you just can’t answer the question “but, why?” anymore.
Social Impact
ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGE IS VERY, VERY REAL! Unfortunately, our politicians haven’t been listening, and the consequences have been literally devastating. While humans do not cause natural disasters, our behavior has undoubtedly made them worse. In the last few months hurricanes have ruined lives around the world. The entire country of Puerto Rico has no electricity, which is far more problematic than simply not being able to turn on the TV, and it might not be back for months. Puerto Rico needs help, and there are several campaigns that will help, including this one.

The Baking Supply Company offers Blue Apron-like kits for marijuana-infused baked goods. They don’t come with the special ingredient, so if you mostly just like regular treats, you can certainly just use their service to make healthier baked goods.
Where are they now?

Apparently it’s been a great year for horror movies, which perhaps explains why I haven’t been to the movies in at least a year. La Barracuda is a thriller about a woman who finds her half-family (I’m pretty sure that’s not an actual term) to learn more about her father, but it quickly becomes clear that she’s after his country music legacy. I’ve never really thought of country music as scary, besides in the way that it reinforces gender roles.

Now that you’re scared from looking at that list, you might want to invest in a Canary, a company that believes that “security should be democratized”. Before you make fun of that statement, consider this: Canary is giving away 400 devices to residents of the South Side of Chicago, an area with extremely high crime rates. Even though 400 devices won’t cover every single household, it will still provide surveillance for the community so everyone can feel safer.
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