
Indiegogo would like to celebrate the following campaigns in our Cause-related category, which includes Animals, Community, Education, Environment, Health, Politics, and Religion. The moving causes and effort of these campaigns have earned them a spot in the top 12 Cause-related campaigns of 2012:

Lets Given Karen – The bus monitor – H Klein A Vacation!

Lets Give Karen – The bus monitor – H Klein A Vacation!

Location: Greece, New York

This viral campaign, started by a stranger, did a lot more than provide Karen — the bullied bus monitor — with a vacation. After $703,123 was raised, it’s safe to say that she’ll be enjoying retirement.


Project For Awesome

Project For Awesome

Location: Missoula, Montana

Every year, the YouTube community gets together to raise money for nonprofits. People submit videos supporting their favorite charities. The charities featured in the 5 most popular videos will receive the money donated! This year, the YouTube community hosted Project for Awesome on Indiegogo, and there less-than-a-week-long campaign is already approaching $400,000 raised with nearly 14,000 contributors.

Rebuild the Joplin Mosque

Rebuild the Joplin Mosque

Location: Joplin, Missouri

Joplin, Missouri knows tragedy. The site of a deadly and destructive tornado in 2011, Joplin also lost its only mosque in a suspicious fire this past August. In a matter of days, thousands of people had nearly doubled the original goal of $250,000 — to help get the mosque rebuilt.


BearLove Good. Cancer Bad.

BearLove Good. Cancer Bad.

Location: Seattle, Washington

Matthew Inman’s (of The Oatmeal) first runaway campaign was to raise $20,000 to split between the National Wildlife Federation and American Cancer Society. The campaign raised over $220,000.


Pe’ Sla: Help Save Lakota Sioux Sacred Land!

Pe’ Sla: Help Save Lakota Sioux Sacred Land!

Location: Rapid City, South Dakota

This campaign was one of many inspiring milestones in crowdfunding this year on Indiegogo. To witness the Lakota rally massive support and media attention to save their sacred lands was truly incredible.

Help Dr. Bronner’s Fight Malaria in Eastern Ghana

Help Dr. Bronner’s Fight Malaria in Eastern Ghana

Location: Escondido, United States

You may be familiar with Dr. Bronner’s iconic soaps from your local grocery aisle. With great perks and a wonderful cause, their team has raised nearly double their goal to help buy mosquito nets in areas deeply affected by malaria in Ghana.

Help Save Easton – baby battling Epidermolysis Bullosa – EB

Help Save Easton – baby battling Epidermolysis Bullosa – EB

Location: Auburn, United States

This moving campaign was started to help support Easton — born with a severe and incurable skin condition — and his family as they attempt to care for him however possible. Over 4,000 contributors stepped up to offer their support to this suffering child.


Ready to Believe: Anderson Relief Fund

Ready to Believe: Anderson Relief Fund

Location: Aurora, Colorado

The US has seen a number of violent tragedies this year, and Petra Anderson’s story is one of the few that emerged that gave people hope. She miraculously survived a nearly fatal gunshot during the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, and her sister took to Indiegogo with an impassioned plea to raise support for her medical recovery.


Equality FTW

Equality FTW

Location: Hogwarts, United States

The Harry Potter Alliance uses JK Rowling’s iconic books to promote equality around the world. With their star-studded perks and great concept, they were able to make their Equality For the Win campaign a success!


Mosireen: Independent Media Collective in Cairo.

Mosireen: Independent Media Collective in Cairo.

Location: Cairo, Egypt

The wake of the Arab Spring has been marked with the rise of citizen journalists and greater press freedoms — but not without risk. Mosireen is an independent media collective and workspace in Cairo, and they ran a successful Indiegogo campaign to cover operating and equipment costs.


Justice for Captain

Justice for Captain

Location: Vancouver, Canada

When popular Vancouver radio personalities, Nat and Drew, heard the story of a beaten and neglected German Shepherd and how the SPCA didn’t have the resources to pursue legal action against the owner — they started a campaign to make it happen. $76,11o later (10 times their goal!), it’s safe to say that justice might be on its way for Captain.

Support the Milwaukee Shooting Victims

Support the Milwaukee Shooting Victims

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

In the matter of hours after another tragic shooting in the US this year, a group of American Sikhs had already set up a campaign on Indiegogo to raise support for the victims and their families. The campaign raised nearly seven-times its goal of $25,000.