Hello from the Hill!
We trained in bright and early to arrive to our nation’s capital for a jam-packed day of campaigner meetings! Keep on reading to see some of our fave Ottawa sights, and interviews with Indiegogo campaigners from Vegan Cuts (Food), Startup Canada (Small Business), Piper (Technology), Mayfair Theatre (Small Business) and Great Canadian Theatre Company (Theatre). Plus, a roundup from our Meetup with Invest Otttawa – filled with delicious food and local brews!

No better way to start the day than with some energizing vegan power (watch Pomp Le Moose fuel up like a vegan)! Vegan Cuts Co-Founders Jill and John are the minds behind the Indiegogo powered Vegan Cuts – Tastes of Oregon Care Package. Jill and her husband and co-founder John combined their two greatest loves, travel and discovering new vegan products, into a special-edition care package series. With over 200 people supporting the successful campaign, Jill and John are already eyeing U.S. and International destinations, dreaming up ways to bring you the best vegan products from places like Berlin, London, or Tokyo.
Why did you choose to crowdfund with Indiegogo?
We saw crowdfunding as both excellent opportunity to raise critical funds, engage our community in our growth, and reach out to Indiegogo’s amazing community.
Most surprising campaign moment?
We funded over 50% on the first day! We stuck on course for the rest of the campaign, but in retrospect, we should have looked at doing a stretch goal.
How did your community support your campaign?
Being part of the HUB, a co-working space, definitely helped us feel supported as we were surrounded by other entrepreneurs who understand what it’s like trying to grow your business with limited resources.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
As our official tour partner, Indiegogo campaigner, and fellow cross-country traveller (they engaged over 20,000 Canadians from coast-to-coast on their latest tour!), we had tons to chat about with Startup Canada founder Victoria Lennox. Victoria and her team launched a campaign to build Startup Canada Connect, a national online platform for entrepreneurs to plug into the startup community. Thanks to their flexible-funding campaign, Startup Canada Connect is almost ready to hit the interwebs!
Most popular perk?
Cheerleader ($25) – Startup Canada Awareness Band & Laptop Sticker. Your name on the website. Public shout out on Facebook.
Biggest campaign pivot?
While we didn’t hit our goal, the awareness from our campaign helped us land sponsors for Startup Connect. With their support and the funds raised through our flexible-funding campaign, Startup Canada Connect is coming to life later this year.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
Home security never looked this good! We stopped by Blacksumac’s office in Byward Market to see the Piper in action. Piper is the first home security and automation device that combines panoramic video, Z-Wave home automation, and environmental sensors into a single elegant product that you interact with on your smartphone or tablet. It was good timing for a visit too. Shortly after our visit, the Piper team finished their campaign at over $300,000, making them the third-largest Canadian campaign on Indiegogo, and the largest crowdfunding campaign from Ottawa!
Why did you choose to crowdfund with Indiegogo?
To raise awareness about Piper, to get product validation, and to gain valuable feedback about product features.
How did Ottawa support your campaign?
We attended Makerfaire Ottawa, got shoutouts on social media from the startup community, and had great coverage in local press. We worked with a local industrial designer and plastics manufacturer as well, so our success means success for other companies too.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
After a start-up filled morning, it was time for a story-filled afternoon. We headed to one of Canada’s oldest and most beloved indie theatres, The Mayfair. In 2012, movie studios and distributors made it known that, by the end of the year, they would no longer be making or shipping film prints — period. To stay in business, the Mayfair needed to buy a digital projector. They asked their community for help with an Indiegogo campaign, and Ottawa came through in droves. The Mayfair raised over $22,000, allow allowing them to keep offering Ottawa a one-of-a-kind artistic, cultural and social experience.
Biggest fear before launching the campaign?
Literally being forced out of business by technology and market forces beyond our control.
Most memorable comment from a contributor?
“The Mayfair has stood for eighty years and may stand for eighty more. Within, walls continue upright, bricks meet, floors are firm, and doors are sensibly shut. Silence lies steadily against the wood and stone of the cinema. And we who come here…come home.”
What do you love about Ottawa?
It has potential and ambition. Things are happening here that nobody outside the city — even a lot of people in the city — know nothing about. It’s an exciting time to be plugged into the indie cultural scene in Ottawa.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
Last stop of the day was the Great Canadian Theatre Company, who ran their Be a Story Builder campaign to help close the financing gap in building its new theatre facility. With the support of Ottawa’s arts community, the not-for-profit GCTC went from old converted truck garage to a state-of-the-art, multi-story building for future programming and productions in Ottawa’s Wellington West neighbourhood.
Where are you now?
We’ve raised $25,000 which helped us narrow down the financial gap, making our capital fund fundraising task easier. We’ve gained more popularity. Local media took an interest in our Indiegogo campaign which led to interviews and articles in newspapers. This type of coverage was a nice PR boost in terms of awareness about GCTC.
What’s next?
Now that we’ve learned the benefits of crowd-funding and have the experience, we are thinking of using Indiegogo for our future fundraising initiatives, perhaps to support our specials events or separate production-related projects.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
We closed the night with a meetup at Invest Ottawa, who work to increase entrepreneurial momentum in Ottawa. It was an interactive community affair, with demos from Vegan Cuts, Piper, and the Young Makers 3D printer. Many ideas were shared and sparked over delicious eats and local brews – we can’t wait to see what campaigns pop up next from Ottawa!
Get involved and follow the journey @IndiegogoCA and #gogoCA. Pomp Le Moose is watching for you.
Our day in Ottawa was also met with a tragedy in the city. Our hearts and prayers remain with the families of the Ottawa Crash victims. For those looking to help support the families through a fundraising campaign, please contact us at canada@indiegogo.com.