Hello Edmo!
After a lovely drive up from Calgary, the glow of Edmonton (or was that the Northern Lights!?) welcomed us to our second-to-last stop on our tour. Keep on reading to see some of our favourite spots in the city, plus stories from Oksana’s Fund (Health), Accidentally Fundraising (Theatre) and Build Latitude 53’s New Patio (Art) — as well as highlights from our meetup at Granify.

On August 5, 2012, Oksana Izio and her boyfriend were involved in a devastating car crash outside of Slave Lake, Alberta. Travelling back to Slave Lake from Edmonton, their vehicle struck a moose 12 km outside of town. Oksana sustained injuries to her C5-C7 vertebrae of her spine, paralyzing her from her shoulders down. Her friends rallied together shortly after the accident, launching the Oksana’s Fund campaign to help Oksana’s healing journey. From Edmonton and beyond, friends and strangers poured in with support, raising over $18,000 to help purchase equipment for her new home and rehabilitation therapy. We hung out with the free-spirited Oksana, her boyfriend, and some friends at her new home in Edmonton. Her positivity, graciousness, and free-spirit (and, as many would agree, general badass-ness) are beyond inspiring.
Where are you at now?
I’m finishing up my degree in wildlife biology, and still painting [Oksana has learned to paint with her mouth – check out her unreal work here!]. I’m so glad to be in my own home, with my art around me, mementos from my travels… all the things that help me think about who Oksana Izio was before my accident, so I can still be that person now.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
Edmonton is a hotspot for theatre, so we had to squeeze in a visit with one of the many successful Edmonton theatre campaigners. With several hits behind them, The Accidental Humour Co. took to the crowd to bring their comedic fantasy adventure production Son of a Dwarf to life. They launched their Accidentally Fundraising! Campaign, raising over $6,000 for multimedia equipment, and engaging their audience in a whole new way. We caught up with the team at the famed Citdael Theatre, where we even took to the stage ourselves.
What sets your theatre company apart?
We are a local theatre company that produces multimedia infused theatre productions. What sets us apart from other local theatre companies is that we are trying to make theatre more accessible in an increasingly digitized entertainment industry. We bridge the gap between local live theatre and professional cinema.
Biggest campaign pivot?
The final stretch was a time period when we found it more challenging to acquire donations due to our main contributors already having donated. We tried countering this by reducing the cost of our most expensive perks to help drum up more interest in the campaign.
Most surprising campaign moment?
How generous friends, family, and your local community can be when you share your passions with them.
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
New location, new patio. Latitude 53, Edmonton’s oldest artist run gallery, celebrated their 40th anniversary with a move to a new street-level location. However, the old location was known for it’s awesome patio parties, so the move had everyone asking “WHAT ABOUT THE PATIO?!!?” The Latitude 53 answered with an Indiegogo campaign.
Where were you at before the campaign?
We just moved to a new street-level location, which made us more visible and accessible (no stairs!). We wanted to build a patio as a place for our community to gather, have great conversations, and most importantly, give everyone the perfect reason to come out and be involved with amazing contemporary art.
Where are you at now?
With the funds raised, we’re waiting on a permit from the city (hint, hint), and we’re ready to build!
Best thing your Indiegogo campaign made happen?
We capped the day off with a great meetup, hosted with our friends at Edmonton startup Granify (who, coincidentally, are now in Latitude 53’s old space!). We shared crowdfunding tips and local brews, but nothing beats the discovery of their balloon room. With Alberta wrapped up, we’re off through the Rockies to our final stop on the #gogoCA tour – watch out Vancouver!
Get involved and follow the journey @IndiegogoCA and #gogoCA.