Apparently our co-founder, Slava Rubin is a zen-spiration for aspiring entrepreneurs who just need to chill the out. His faith is one of the ways he stays grounded. His quote was so good a few months ago that he was re-quoted as saying: “The entrepreneurial life is super hectic. Super unknown. Lots of crazy ups and downs. I think it’s helpful to find some grounding. So that while your startup, while every startup has its roller coaster experience, you’re able to stay grounded.” #Preach, Slava.
Friends who were on the playa, I hope your transition back to the world of commodification hasn’t been too traumatic. I hope that you got to see Sonic Runway, which is a 1,000 foot light tunnel that moves in sync with the music, which I’m sure was extremely thumpy. It’s first time at Black Rock City was 2003, and they came back for this year. It could also be a fun addition to a wedding.

I hate to bring this up because I know it’s an extremely polarizing topic, but The Loss of the Headphone Jack in the iPhone 7 is ~disrupting~ the headphone market. The cleverly-named Thunder earbuds are Lightning-equipped and noise canceling, apparently the first of their kind. They have two modes, which are “quiet” and “aware” in case you are on the street at night and should probably notice if the footsteps behind you are getting closer and closer. Sounds like a real storm of innovation.

If you truly can’t function without coffee, the thought of dragging yourself out of bed, and dealing with extreme annoyances like sounds, light and waiting to brew it yourself, might seem impossible. Instead of putting yourself through that, you can use the Bariseur, which will wake you up with a fresh pot. You don’t even need to get out of bed to drink it, and it has an extremely fancy name.
Digital trends referred to Megaverse as “One Case To Rule Them All”, and they are not wrong. It is described as an “anti-gravity case,” with nano-suction that allows it to attach to a variety of surfaces, and has mirror, bottle opener, and wallet backplates.

Where are they now?
Breathometer has made a big change from their original concept of a smartphone-connected breathalyzer. They realized that testing biomarkers is a rapidly growing market, so they teamed up with Phillips to create Mint, a device that analyzes your breath and tells you what’s gross about your mouth and how to fix it. If they combine it with the original Breathometer, it can fix your alcohol mouth as well as preventing you from getting a DUI.
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