“The great power of crowdfunding is that you have a new idea and you get to bring it to market and people vote with their wallets…Crowdfunding is absolutely essential for both the inventory as well as to do research and development on future products.” – Katherine Krug, Betterback.
Katherine Krug, inventor of BetterBack, is the latest Go Time Guest to share the secrets to success. BetterBack is currently running on Indiegogo and has raised over $1.9 million.
Katherine discusses her own back issues that inspired her journey to developing BetterBack. She goes on to describe her method for collecting user feedback. “One thing that made BetterBack work – I had a prototype and I’d plop a chair in the middle of a busy place in San Francisco and ask them to use my product. I asked them what they liked, and what they hated, what price point they would absolutely buy this product.”

BetterBack’s incredible success can be attributed to Katherine’s experience as an entrepreneur, her ability to identify and thoroughly develop solutions based on customer/market research, and her approach to sourcing reliable manufacturers. In this episode of Go Time, we dive into how she brought her idea to life and her tips for planning a campaign, creating momentum and manufacturing.
Tune in to learn many more of Katherine’s tips to success that are useful for anyone looking to launch a successful product campaign on Indiegogo:
Do you, like Katherine, have an idea you want to bring to life? Check out our Essential Guide to Crowdfunding to find out how.