Continuing our monthly feature highlighting some of the many crowdfunding campaigns that raised money on Indiegogo, we’re pleased to share the following products that are being delivered to backers:
Huma-i: Portable Air Quality Detection Device (Raised $119,876 in 2019)
Huma-i is a user-friendly air quality monitor that incorporates in-house designed sensor modules to efficiently detect fine-dust levels, C02 levels and other gasses. Its portable design provides users with peace of mind wherever they go.
OmniShaver: Faster Way To Shave Scalp, Arms & Legs (Raised $295,192 in 2018)
The OmniShaver is a self-cleaning and self-polishing shaver that incorporates a bi-directional blade to reduce shaving time by 75%.
Olive: Next-Gen Hearing Aid with a Social Mission (Raised $907,864 in 2017)
The Olive is a smart hearing aid with the mission of being “affordable to all.” With a completely wireless system and a 16-channel frequency, it allows users to seamlessly hear the natural sounds of everyday life.