November 26, 2020 · IGG, In The News

Thankful for Backers: Happy Thanksgiving from the Indiegogo Community


Watch our video for a special thank you to backers from the Indiegogo community.

Backers: You’re legendary. 2020 brought a lot of grief and strife, and through it all, Indiegogo backers have remained hopeful and caring, coming together to fund the ideas they believe in and make them a reality. 

Every day on Indiegogo, backers show their support for ideas that will make the world cleaner, brighter, more diverse, and more creative. 

In 2020, Indiegogo backers like you came together to form communities around the projects they loved. Every time you support an Indiegogo campaign, you make a difference, and we want to celebrate the impact backers have made this year. 

So this Thanksgiving, we teamed up with Indiegogo campaigners to say thank you: Thank you to backers who want to make the world a little greener, who want to make technology more accessible, who want to explore new places and ideas, to get outside, to make art, and to ensure a more diverse group of entrepreneurs get the funding they deserve. We salute you, and we say thanks.

Watch the video above for a special thank you to backers from our Indiegogo campaigners.