Knix Wear

When Joanna Griffiths, founder of Knix Wear, created her first crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, she had no idea how much of an impact that campaign would have on the future success of her business.

When she was initially launching her product and had her first meeting with Canadian retailer, Hudson’s Bay, she was surprised to find out that they were already aware of her product by watching the video on her Indiegogo campaign, which then helped to secure a distribution deal with them.

Joanna says that primarily used her first Indiegogo campaign as a way to test her product before officially launching it. As a result of her crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo she:

  • Received vital feedback on her product line that was incorporated into her first production run and inspired her best selling products
  • Gained her first 500 customers
  • Created brand awareness which helped her secure her first major distribution deal with Hudson Bay

Watch Joanna recount her experience in this video:

Also, be sure to check out and support her latest campaign!

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