Location: Sunnyvale, California
The 3D printing business is booming and it was only a matter of time before 3D-printed fetuses for to-be parents would come to the US. This campaign was started to raise $15,000 to pioneer the industry and the team behind it remains dedicated to bringing this product to people through its website.
Location: New York, New York
Christopher Walken+Tyrannosaurus Rex = Christopher Walken Rex? It’s exactly what it sounds like. The 16-foot-tall dinosaur statue with Christopher Walken’s head was just an idea before more than tripling its goal on Indiegogo. Today, it has graced several locations in Manhattan with its presence and there is no doubt that the world is a better place for it.
Location: New York, New York
Middle school was all about the zig-zag part, high school was about the middle part and college was the side part, but did you ever have the perfect part? 288 people voted with their dollars to bring this comb to life that promises to give you the part that you’ve dreamt about your whole life, hassle-free. The Perfect Part is on track to ship out in January and we can’t wait to see it.
Location: New York, NY
The Tribune Company — which owns newspapers like the
LA Times,
The Baltimore Sun and
The Chicago Tribune — was for sale this year for the lump sum of $660 million dollars. The only people that were bidding against the offer were politically-motivated buyers that already had a voice in the news. Tired of staying on the benches, a non-profit organization with the grassroots name of “Other 98%,” created an Indiegogo campaign to enable citizens to channel their discontent with biased media by contributing money to buy the newspapers and give the control back to their communities. Over 2,500 people jumped in to contribute to the campaign, raising $210,528 dollars in just a month.
Location: New York, NY
It was the political scandal that took the world by storm. When Gawker’s John Cook launched an Indiegogo campaign to purchase and publish a video of Rob Ford smoking crack, thousands of people funded the cause and raised more than $200,000. Today, four Canadian charities have benefitted from this money and the story continues to unfold everyday.
Check out our main post Indiegogo’s Top 5 of 2013 to view other categories!
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