Triscuit Maker Fund on Indiegogo
March 23, 2016 · IGG

Introducing the $250,000 Triscuit Maker Fund


Triscuit Maker Fund on Indiegogo

Thousands of artisanal food makers have launched their culinary projects on Indiegogo, such as Good Spread Peanut Butter, a fortified food to fight malnutrition, Moringa Green Energy Shots, an organic superfood that empowers farmers in Haiti and LocoL, a revolutionary fast food concept. We’ve always been driven to support culinary experts and entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. So today, we’re thrilled to announce the Triscuit Maker Fund: a surprise one-day-only event supporting artisanal food makers across North America.

Triscuit Maker Fund on Indiegogo

Triscuit is teaming up with Indiegogo to flash fund up-and-coming foodmakers who are turning their ideas for new tastes and ways of doing business into reality. Today, Triscuit will contribute a total of $250,000 to campaigns across North America, fully funding projects and adding support for others who already have backing. This aligns perfectly with Indiegogo’s mission to make the world better by giving everyone with a great idea a shot at success. Triscuit is excited to give these makers their shot and together, we can’t wait to see what they create.

Culinary Creativity from Simplicity

As part of today’s flash funding event, Triscuit contributed a total of $250,000 to campaigns big and small, including Razzbourne Farms, Bird by Bird and PB&Jams. Each of these campaigns demonstrates the creativity and innovation of the maker community on Indiegogo.

Razzbourne Farms

From a young age, Emily Hall developed a love for goat cheese, a treat that her mother would bring home to enjoy together. Today, Emily’s love for goat cheese has led her to make fresh, handmade, one-of-a-kind goat cheese in Rockbridge County, Virginia. The artisanal aged goat cheeses are delivered fresh once per week to local retailers, empowering the community to buy fresh and buy local.

Razzbourne Farms Indiegogo

Bird by Bird, a Tandoor in New Orleans

Be nice. Make good food. Tell your story. Share with your community.  Do everything with passion. Do those things, and the rest will follow. This is the mantra that David Robertshaw, creator of Bird by Bird, lives by. His Indian/Pakistani-themed street food experience has been taking the streets of New Orleans by storm, and now he has the chance to open a brick-and-mortar location so he can deliver delicious tandoor food to more people everyday.


All it took was a taste of savory Haitian peanut butter to inspire Megan Gibson to start crafting delicious combinations of nut butter and innovative additions like sweet maple syrup and spicy cayenne pepper. Not only is Philadelphia-based PB&Jams committed to providing delicious foods, but they give back to their community through education, advocacy and increased access to nutrition and opportunity. Their motto? Feed people, help people and have fun!

PB&Jams Indiegogo

This is just the beginning. The Triscuit Maker Fund will fund more than 50 makers –  allowing them to take their ideas and turn them into so much more. Check out all the Triscuit Maker Fund projects on Indiegogo.

Crowdfunding to Innovate Faster

More and more businesses are looking to the crowd for ways to validate market fit, conduct market research and receive invaluable feedback from targeted audiences. GE’s FirstBuild was able to validate their idea for a nugget ice maker, accelerating the process of creating a new product – acquiring 10,000 new customers and raising more than $3 million along the way. Hasbro reached out to the crowd for innovative ideas for the next great face-to-face party game. And  now, Triscuit is funding 55 crowdfunding projects as a way to empower small businesses and encourage creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation. Learn more about Enterprise Crowdfunding.

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