October 20, 2021 · Lists, Products

Support Women in Horror for Halloween – 5 Horror Films Directed By Women


In preparation for a happy and horror-filled Halloween, we are highlighting some of the scariest indie movies that are currently raising funds on Indiegogo , all directed and produced  by women filmmakers. Show your support for these trailblazing creators who are bringing fresh voices and new perspectives to indie cinema in a genre long dominated by men. Help make these films a reality by supporting their campaigns, and you could soon be streaming these spooky tales for a dark stormy night. Let’s honor All Hallow’s Eve with an epic female-owned frightfest!


Chicago-based filmmakers Sharena Sigmon and Angellic Ross tackle one of America’s darkest topics with Mason, an experimental short film that explores the Black maternal mortality crisis. The filmmakers use the mechanisms of the horror to shed light on the unnecessarily life threatening-experience that is being Black and pregnant. It follows one pregnant woman as she experiences complications, and later hallucinations that seem to warn her about an imminent threat to her baby’s life. Through their creative work, the team behind Mason is spreading awareness, and honoring Black women across the country who have died from medical racism. 

About the filmmakers: “Sharena Sigmon’s thesis screenplay won first place in Northwestern’s RTVF Screenwriting competition. She has been featured in Northwestern’s Dialogue Magazine, Harness Magazine, 13Horror Screenwriter Competition, and Chicago Film Office’s Social Justice Screenwriting Competition. She seeks to explore the visibility and representation of Black women, often through the horror lens on screen.”

“Angellic Ross’s first short film, ‘revoLUZion’, won first place at the My Hero Festival. She produced the short film ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ which was nominated for Best Picture at the Single Take Film Festival. Her most recently completed project is a multimedia documentary piece, A Journey Through Time. Currently, Angellic is producing her first narrative feature, Go to the Body, which won Pitch Day at the Chicago International Film Festival. Additionally, she is an Advisory Board Member of Sisters in Cinema and was a part of the inaugural class of Full Spectrum Features and the Chicago Film Office’s Chicago Independent Producers Lab.”

An Open Letter to Death

While it might be a bit different than the standard hair-raising horror film, “An Open Letter to Death” is a fairytale-style music video that examines both the tragedy and inevitability of death. Inspired by her own experience with the death of a loved one and subsequent grief, the creator of this video personifies death to show that each one of us needs to develop our own relationship with this thing we fear so deeply, but that all of us must face. Don’t be fooled by the word fairytale; this music video is as creepy and dark as a walk in the woods under a dark new moon. 
About the filmmaker: “Olivia Hyde is a singer-songwriter from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire who makes music videos. Her sound has been described as ‘art pop meets neo classical’ and her videos have been described as ‘dark’, ‘emotional’ and sometimes just ‘downright creepy.’”

When You’re Gone

In this horror movie with a twist, we get to explore another side of fear and darkness: hope. When You’re Gone dives into topics like suicidal ideation, substance abuse, and the harrowing steps the film’s protagonist must take to overcome them. She is a writer who has developed a questionable love of partying, and finds herself being hunted by a subterranean mother and her brood in the depths of her struggle. Her intense fight for survival combines the terror of Alien, the body horror of The Thing, the self sabotage of I May Destroy You, and the comedy of Ghostbusters II. You’ll just have to see it to find out what happens. 

About the filmmaker:  “After acting for many years in film, television, and theatre, Kristin Noriega took to writing. Most recently, her story “Devour” won the 2020 CNY Short Film Competition and is now in post production. Kristin wrote “When You’re Gone” in the fall of 2019 and brought the idea to APB Film, having worked with them on three prior projects. Grateful for the knowledge and experience gained from many years on set surrounded by passionate, hard-working folks who taught her what it takes to produce a film, she is now settling in behind the camera and collaborating with APB, a Troy, NY-based film collective.”


On Witches Blood

On Witches Blood is a modern twist on a classic deal-with-the-devil tale in which a struggling family gets evicted and moves into a family farmhouse and is forced to face a maniacal witch who still haunts it. The audience will watch along as the family is relentlessly tortured, wondering if they’ll survive. A word of caution from the filmmakers: don’t watch this alone.

About the filmmaker: “Susan Bohl is a filmmaker based in Dallas, Texas. Her goal is to make films that profoundly affect people; to tell stories visually that impact people on a level that makes them think about what they just watched. She strives to create visual worlds that are not only profound, but also believable, removing the viewer from reality and placing them into the story. She also strives to create and lead film sets that are open to and supportive of diversity and equal opportunities.”

Obstacle Corpse

If you’re approaching this fright fest as a movie marathon, end your night of fear with Obstacle Corpse, a horror comedy.  When a cranky teenager sets out to prove her independence on the Guts and Glory obstacle course run by illuminati hopefuls, things get really murdery, really fast. But get ready for the ultimate unexpected twist: it’s also sweet and uplifting. You’ll scream, you’ll laugh, and you’ll ultimately collapse after you’ve used up every last bit of adrenaline in your body. 

About the filmmaker: “Hope Madden is a celebrated writer, director,  film critic, indie film champion and half of the film brand Maddwolf (along with George Wolf). She’s been preparing all her life to write and direct her debut feature film. Now, she’s ready to take all she’s learned writing optioned screenplays, directing award-winning short films and dissecting horror movies on the critically-acclaimed Fright Club podcast, and create a gut-busting horror comedy with heart (and plenty of other organs). All she needs to do it is … you!”

Ready to support the next big indie film? Check out the campaigns above for horror films made by women, and explore more independent films on Indiegogo!