Living ark

Several campaign owners this week are using IndieGoGo to start off on some epic journeys. Check out these campaigns:

the most epic win 365 days of livingARK

Philip Campbell has been a digital nomad for some time. And he's recently launched a plan for a videoseries that will document his upcoming year living in a LivingARK on the campus of Nottingham University. Watch his Day 1 campaign video here.

Aly cook

Strumming Around the World Documentary & Tour DVD Release

Singer and songwriter Aly Cook is raising funds to create a documentary that follows her on her tour across New Zealand, Australia, Norfolk Island, the United Kingdom and Europe. Her aims is to document music festivals around the world, capturing not only the festivals and those who run them but the towns and areas that host them.

Check out her pitch video here.


Help the Hupfers go to the Congo

Stephanie and Ryan Hupfer are hoping to travel to the Congo as Christian missionaries to help raise the standard of living in the second poorest country in the world. You can read more about their travels on their blog.