Ron Athey_main

British creativity has spawned design, fashion, music, art, television and film, winning the world over with countless signature names over hundreds of years.  Before the recent recession, in 2007 the UK’s creative sector was growing twice as fast as the economy, at that time equal to the financial sector.  Still the country stands strong, employing up to 1.8 million people in the creative industries, all of whom continue to remain a driving force of colorful artistry.

Here we uncover five IndieGoGo campaigns from England: 

Category: Writing
Story: Diagnosed with Ectodermal Dysplasia, Jen wants to raise money to increase research for a cure by writing 100 poems in just one weekend, posting them online via her blog.

Pleading in Blood: The Art of Ron Athey
Category: Art
Story: This project wants to produce the first ever publication devoted to this central figure in performance art that impacted his immediate industry, festivals, galleries and museums and was highly influential on the development of body art, live art and experimental theater.

The Alchemist’s Easel
Category: Education
Story: Waking up blind with no visual memory, this artist continues to draw, tapping into his unconscious to create images from his memory.  As a result of his experience, Al wants to create a limited edition collectors book for young people, using it as a tool to nurture creativity.

Clockwork Watch – The Arrival
Category: Comic
Story: The first of two comics to launch a transmedia steampunk love story, set in Victorian London, this story invites its readers to participate in an experience using interactive theater, live action role-play, online adventures, an interactive book and a feature film.

Billie & Billy
Category: Film
Story: This short film shares the magical world of a pair of eleven-year-old twins whose parents want to sell them to get a tanning bed.  After deciding to run away to escape their evil, they come across a hidden workshop run by an old professor, sending them on their greatest adventure.