November 13, 2012 · Success Stories

What are Campaigners Saying about Indiegogo? (11/13/12)


Find out what Indiegogo campaigners are saying about their crowdfunding experiences and check out their campaigns to see what kinds of strategies they used to hit their goal:

Maestra on the rise – Maestra en devenir

Maestra on the rise – Maestra en devenir

Location: Quebec, Canada

“My Indiegogo campaign turned out to be an amazing way to discover how much people in my community and beyond supported my dream and trusted in my abilities to fulfill it. It gave me such a confidence boost – I’m looking forward to an amazing recording with a real orchestra on Nov. 21!” -Beatrice Madeleine

KhadiBag – Protect Stuff You Luff – Fair & Organic

 KhadiBag – Protect Stuff You Luff

Location: Wien, Austria

“With Indiegogo we tested the special needs of the market and gained new customers. It was a huge success and we know now: KhadiBag is ready to launch!” -Dave Balzer

BBQ with Franklin web series

BBQ with Franklin web series

Location: Austin, Texas

“As content creators it’s meaningful when people are able to directly support a project that is entertaining and helpful to them, no matter where they live. Using Indiegogo allowed KLRU-TV to reach an audience in a unique way and stay true to the mission of community supported public media.” -KLRU Austin, PBS

Exit – The Blind Alley

Exit – The Blind Alley

Location: Austin, Texas

“We surpassed our goal, which was surprising enough. But mostly, I was amazed at the generosity of people I am mere acquaintances with. We were humbled by this experience, and it has helped us fulfill all dreams involved with this project.” -Benjamin Londa

Wake in the Current

Wake in the Current

Location: Brooklyn, New York

“Having the courage to put yourself out there and ask for support is a real confidence builder and has inspired me to create a greater momentum for the project!” -Judith Kenny





Do you have an Indiegogo campaign story that you’d like to share with us? Email us at! Interested in starting a campaign? Find out more and get started here