January 2, 2013 · Success Stories

What are Campaigners Saying about Indiegogo? (1/2/13)


Find out what Indiegogo campaigners are saying about their crowdfunding experiences and check out their campaigns to see what kinds of strategies they used to hit their goal:

Power Rockaways Resilience

Rockaways Power Rockaways Resilience

Location: New York, New York

“In Hurricane Sandy’s wake, our Indiegogo campaign helped jump start our relief efforts and a resilience movement in the Rockaways. We launched 8 days after Sandy struck and raised enough to do our first major solar installation at a Rockaway community center within a week of the campaign start.” -Corinne McAfee

Armature9 Rig for Artists

Armature Armature9 Rig for Artists

Location: Redmond, Washington

“I wanted to create a better version of that wooden figure found in arts/craft stores, but one that was anatomically correct and good range of motion. Something artists could benefit from and sculptors create sculptures over the top of. Without Indiegogo’s help this wouldn’t have been possible.” -Kamal Siegel

The First Sustainably Built Natural Fiber Bicycle Helmet

helmet The First Sustainably Built Natural Fiber Bicycle Helmet

Location: Corvallis, Oregon

“The campaign was stressful but not without unexpected benefits such as greater exposure of what we are doing, stronger connection with those already supporting us and new energy brought in by folks seeing it for the first time.” -Daniel Coyle

Paris after Marville & Atget

Paris Paris after Marville & Atget

Location: Toronto, Canada

“This campaign helped raise some of the funds needed for printing the book and was part of building an audience. We created a communication network with Indiegogo, a Tumblr blog, Facebook pages and Twitter feed. It all created a synergy which reached hundreds of people internationally.” -Peter Sramek

The House of Von Macrame

VonMacrame The House of Von Macrame

Location: Brooklyn, New York

“We wanted to put on a really big show; so big that it felt impossible to all of us. Indiegogo allowed us to reach a worldwide audience, drum up excitement, and spread our weird dream to our social networks. We never thought we could meet our goal, but this platform did the trick.” -Joshua Conkel





Do you have an Indiegogo campaign story that you’d like to share with us? Email us at stories@indiegogo.com! Interested in starting a campaign? Find out more and get started here