January 22, 2013 · Success Stories

What are Campaigners Saying about Indiegogo? (1/22/13)


Find out what Indiegogo campaigners are saying about their crowdfunding experiences and check out their campaigns to see what kinds of strategies they used to hit their goal:

Bestie – Chinatown’s Finest Currywurst

Bestie Bestie – Chinatown’s Finest Currywurst

Location: Vancouver, Canada

“Our Indiegogo campaign completely jump started our outreach efforts and allowed us generate huge momentum in the lead up to our grand opening.” -Clinton McDougall and Dane Brown

Bring Back Word Up Community Bookshop

WordUp Bring Back Word Up Community Bookshop

Location: New York, New York

“While book lovers from all over the world contributed to help us meet our goal, the outpouring of support from our neighbors reaffirmed our commitment to building a space of shared learning and creativity in Washington Heights, NYC. HUGE thank you to Indiegogo and all of Word Up’s supporters!” -The Word Up Team

Saving Grace Rescue Expansion Fund

SavingGrace Saving Grace Rescue Expansion Fund

Location: San Francisco, California

“Expanding the SGR shelter will provide life saving space for special needs and underage kittens that would otherwise be euthanized at local shelters. Together we can save MORE lives, increase the spread of humane education regarding homeless animals and find more forever homes.'” -The Saving Grace Rescue Team

Sundance Travel Expenses

Sundance Sundance Travel Expenses

Location: Seattle, Washington

“I didn’t expect the groundswell of support thet i did. Maybe I have done a few things right!” -Paul Eenhoorn

Hunger, Incorporated: How Big Business Profits From Anti-Hunger Programs

HungerIncorporated Hunger, Incorporated: How Big Business Profits From Anti-Hunger Programs

Location: Portland, Oregon

“My Indiegogo campaign not only helped me to raise well over my funding goal, but also through the numerous comments from colleagues inspired me to keep plugging away at a long task. I feel much more motivated then ever before because of the positive energy from my supporters.” -Andrew Fisher



Do you have an Indiegogo campaign story that you’d like to share with us? Email us at stories@indiegogo.com! Interested in starting a campaign? Find out more and get started here