March 19, 2013 · Success Stories

What are Campaigners Saying about Indiegogo? (3/18/13)


Find out what Indiegogo campaigners are saying about their crowdfunding experiences and check out their campaigns to see what kinds of strategies they used to hit their goal:

Bid For My Life

BidForMyLife Bid For My Life

Location: London, United Kingdom

“What started as a simple case of getting the message out became being immersed in an amazingly supportive and enthusiastic community of creators that has both encouraged me in my projects, but enthused me towards many others that I otherwise would have never heard about.” -James Hamer-Morton

Spock’s Beard – 11th Studio CD

SpocksBeard Spock’s Beard – 11th Studio CD

Location: Los Angeles, California

“Indiegogo allowed us to do a three month preorder for our new CD which would have been very difficult otherwise.” -Spock’s Beard

What You Don’t Get

WhatYouDontGet What You Don’t Get

Location: Holyoke, Massachusetts

“My Indiegogo campaign began as a way for me to simply be able to tell my story by publishing my book, but grew into something much larger — something beyond debates about gun control and violence, beyond national borders, beyond sadness and grief.'” -Anne Thalheimer


LoveTouchHate LoveTouchHate

Location: Los Angeles, California

“Indiegogo made it possible for us to get an international following for our feature film, which most definitely helped us to get fully funded. Using Indiegogo in conjunction with Twitter is, I’ve found, the best and easiest way to raise awareness about a project.” -Maria Olsen

Downtown Brown’s 6th Studio Album

DowntownBrown Downton Brown’s 6th Studio Album

Location: Detroit, Michigan

“When our label told us they weren’t giving us an advance on recording costs… we thought we were screwed. When our management told us to try a crowdfunding platform, we thought they were crazy. We were wrong on both accounts. Indiegogo saved our dream.” -Downtown Brown




Do you have an Indiegogo campaign story that you’d like to share with us? Email us at! Interested in starting a campaign? Find out more and get started here