
The film finance market is notorious for favoring blockbusters and commercial potential in place of smaller, less-known productions. Crowdfunding has presented an unprecedented opportunity for independent filmmakers — whether in features, shorts, documentaries, web series, and beyond — to not only raise funds for their projects, but also gain a new audience at the same time. Grab your popcorn, here are our some of our top film campaigns of 2012:

Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie

Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie

Location: Los Angeles, California

Inspired by the highly popular YouTube show, “A disgruntled gamer/ internet celebrity must overcome his phobia of the worst video game in the world to save his fans.”


Dear White People

Dear White People

Location: Los Angeles, California

This satire takes the issue of black stereotypes in film head on. With over 1,300 contributors, the filmmakers behind this project nearly doubled their goal of $25,000.


ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare

ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare

Location: New York, New York

After already being selected for the Sundance Film Festival, this team ran a campaign to help finish the movie — an eye-opening portrait of the US healthcare system — in time for its premier.


Speed Sisters: Racing in Palestine

Speed Sisters: Racing in Palestine

Location: Ramallah, Palestinian Territory

A campaign to help finish a documentary on Palestinian women race car drivers. The filmmaker says it best: “Probably the coolest topic in the world.”


The Spirit Level Documentary

The Spirit Level Documentary

Location: London, United Kingdom

A documentary on the promotion of greater equality in the world met with runaway success (over 1,000 contributors) on Indiegogo as it looked to raise money for production and distribution costs.


Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie

Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie

Location: Toronto, Canada

Another popular web series about gaming set up a campaign to film a movie. Let’s just say they pwned.

Sex After Kids

Sex After Kids

Location: Toronto, Canada

What happens to intimacy when you’re too tired and have spent your day cleaning up after your kids? This is a romantic comedy that parents will be able to relate to.


Mad as Hell: Rise of the Young Turks

Mad as Hell: Rise of the Young Turks

Location: Los Angeles, California

Needing to cover post-production costs, this documentary about a popular online news anchor was able to rally its base of supporters and then some!



A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT feature film in pre production

Location: Los Angeles, California

The pitch: An Iranian…Vampire…Western. It doesn’t get anymore unique than that, and nearly 300 funders couldn’t have agreed more!


Alice Walker: Beauty In Truth

Alice Walker: Beauty In Truth

Location: Berkeley, California

This moving documentary tells the story of Alice Walker, a famous poet and inspiring human rights activist.


Southern Baptist Sissies

Southern Baptist Sissies

Location: Los Angeles, California

First created as a play, “Southern Baptist Sissies” confronts the staunch bigotry of a number of America’s organized religions toward the LGBT community. The success and momentum of the play has carried it beyond the stage, and a team raised over $100,000 to see it turned into a film.

From Bedrooms to Billions

From Bedrooms to Billions

Location: London, United Kingdom

The theme of gaming-on-film continues with this English documentary on the UK video games industry from 1979 to 1996.


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