34% of funders visit your campaign two or more times before contributing.
What does this mean for campaigners? Don’t be afraid to reach out to people more than once!
Not everyone who visits your campaign decides to fund it right away, and as your campaign gains traction, the likelihood that they will contribute increases. As the old adage goes, people need to see your message at least seven times before they’ll take action.
Indiegogo provides each campaign with a set of Share Tools to help you spread the word. The Share Tools are located in the box below your Pitch image or video. You can easily share using facebook, twitter, e-mail, or you can embed a widget on an external website.

Think diversely about your sharing strategy. If you can strike a good balance between reminding people about your campaign and not “bugging” them, you’ve found the sweet spot for success. Here are some ways can also keep your audience engaged with your campaign in more ways that just asking for money:
- Create update videos and push out through updates, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. Dark Potential has posted 5 video updates and quadrupled its goal in less than a week.
- Take pictures of the campaign process: perks, places, and people! Last Shop Standing, a documentary which celebrates the resilience of the small record shop, has done a wonderful job at this. Their photos highlight the production process and introduce us to the characters and backdrops that makeup their documentary. Don’t forget to share your pictures on your gallery, Facebook and Twitter!