February 16, 2011 · Tips & Insights

Using the Favorites Tool to Follow Campaigns


Favorites tool pop-up

Did you know you can keep track of your favorite campaigns all in one place using the 'favorites' tool?

If you'd like to keep an eye on certain campaigns (those of your friends, projects you find interesting, campaigns doing things you'd like to utilize in your own campaign), simply use the 'favorite' option in the bottom right corner of the campaign home page near the "Share This" bar. It looks like this:

Add to favorite

If you're not logged in, you can follow via email:

Favorites tool pop-up

Or if you're already an IndieGoGo member and logged in, you can simply save a campaign to your Favorites.

Favorite added

Keep track of your favorites in Your Campaigns > My Favorites.

Favorites menu

Once you've favorited a campaign, you'll get email updates when the owners post announcements.

As a campaign owner, this means you can take advantage of these tools to update your followers. Encourage anyone who is interested in your campaign, even if they may not be ready to contribute, to 'favorite' you and keep up-to-date with the latest happenings.