Pankisi Computer School

Top image from the pitch page for A Computer School in Pankisi Valley.

We talk a lot here about how to get your campaign noticed by sharing it with others, getting word out to the media, holding events, and more.

But let's take a step back for a minute and analyze one of the most important elements of your campaign on IndieGoGo: your pitch page. All the promotion in the world won't influence contributors to give if your pitch page isn't selling your campaign.

Here are five basic elements for a great pitch page with links to campaigns that are doing it well.

1. A striking thumbnail image for your widget, and a fun, captivating and informative pitch video (or stunning photo if you're still working on your pitch video).

2. A clear description of your campaign that's easy to read and inspiring.  It should answer the who, what, where, when and why of your project… particularly "why" you care and why others should too?

3. Your creative & unique list of perks. What will you give back?

4. A clear and specific answer to "How will the funds be used?"  Be transparent. Tell folks how you're going to put their money to work!  Knowing that makes it easier to contribute.

5. Links to other places we can find your campaign (Twitter, Facebook, official website, big press, etc.). This showcases the community you've built to-date and track record of execution – i.e. what you've done.  A history and network are great validation of your campaign for new people.

Are all 5 elements working for you? Anything you can tweak and make better?

Great hint: sometimes it helps to ask a stranger to take a look at your campaign pitch to see if it's selling itself or if there are any holes or areas that need explaining.