Sharing your campaign is key to getting your funding campaign started.  Updating your funders and followers with progress is key to keeping your campaign growing.

One handy feature your IndieGoGo campaign comes equipped with are Updates.  Let's discuss:

  1. Advantages of Updates
  2. How Updates Work
  3. When to Use Updates


1. Advantages of Using Updates

Builds trust. The more progress you show, the more people will build trust that you have what it takes to get the project done.  That confidence will translate into more funds and sharing. 

Builds Community.  An update gives someone the opportunity to "check back in" with your campaign and share it again with their friends.    

Builds GoGoFactor.  The more you and your community interact with your campaign and share it, the higher your campaign's GoGoFactor will climb.  The higher your GoGoFactor, the greater the chance your campaign has in getting featured on the home page, in blogs, and in IndieGoGo press.

2. How Updates Work

Automatic Emails.  When you post an update on your Updates tab, that update is automatically emailed to all your funders and followers (people who have favorited, commented or shared your campaing) with a link back to your campaign.  

Media Archive. Any media (video, image or document) included in the update will automatically be archived in your Gallery.  So as new updates are posted and older updates get pushed down, viewers will still be able to access your media in the Gallery.

Indiegogo updates

3. Why Use Updates?

To celebrate success.  Did you just hit your first thousand dollars? Are you halfway to your goal? Did you just finish a teaser trailer for your film? Send an update! 

Perpetual Burn

To keep people posted on your progress.  Tyler Weaver of Whiz!Bam!Pow! used Updates to post a job listing for his project, to announce the launch of the new Whiz!Bam!Pow! website, and to notify his funders of a contest he's running on Facebook:

Whiz Bam Pow Updates

Shana Tucker of Shana Tucker: ChamberSoul Chronicles of a Singing Cellist, on the other hand, prefers to give updates in a song:

Shana Tucker Video Update


To post images and videos.  Post pictures and clips during your campaign or even after it's over. You can still use your page to send announcements! Blaming George Romero posted their trailer over a month after their campaign ended.

Blaming George Romero Video Update

To post downloadable files (press releases, press kits, screenplay copies).  Arts in Bushwick, creators of the project BETA Spaces 2010, posted a downloadable BETA Spaces program, with a map and full list of their exhibitions!

Beta Spaces File

How are you using updates?  Let us know by commenting below.  Or send us a note if you have any questions!

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