December 1, 2011 · Tips & Insights

Indiegogo Insight: Pitch Videos Power Contributions- Increasing Them 114%


Indiegogo campaigns with a pitch video raise 114% more money than those without one.

Having a great pitch transforms your idea into a shareable, fund-able campaign. Pitching your campaign with video gives funders a direct window into the personal stories and dedication that form the foundation of your campaign. Video builds audience intrigue, trust, and commitment.

A pitch video also boosts the type of engagement that increases your gogofactor, thus increasing your likelihood to be featured. Our data shows that having a pitch video makes you 2.4 times more likely to get featured on our homepage. In fact, 79% of featured campaigns have a pitch video.



And, contributors are more generous when giving to a campaign with a pitch video. Average contribution is 12% higher for campaigns with a pitch video.

If you’re launching a new campaign (or already have a campaign) spend some time and effort into crafting a pitch video. Remember, a campaign pitch video doesn’t have to take any single form, it can be compelling or silly, inspiring or lighthearted, personal or abstract. The important thing is that it reflects you, your passion, and the goals of your campaign.

We have a handful of resources to help you out, including a recent account of the pitch video process by fellow Gogo-er Melissa, and an amazing customer happiness team here to guide you through the video process.