September 23, 2010 · Tips & Insights

9 Ways to Jumpstart Your Stalled Campaign


Jumpstart crowdfunding campaign 

So you were pretty fast out of the gate: your campaign was strong, donations were rolling in. People were responding to your Facebook posts and email requests.

And then suddenly… poof! It feels like the well dried up and you're only halfway to your goal.

Well don't worry. There's still time to put a little juice back into the crowdfunding machine. Here are 9 quick ideas to help you keep the momentum going all the way through to the end.

1. Send an update.

People make the mistake of thinking the first ask is the only ask. Update your fans on your progress and let them know you're not out of the woods yet. Make another video thanking everyone for your progress so far, and let them know how much is still needed to reach your goal.

2. Enlist your strongest supporters.

Go to the people who really have your back and ask for their help in spreading the word. Perhaps you can format an email they can send to their friends. Or instruct them on how to share your campaign on Facebook. Make sure your strongest supporters have the tools to continue their support — even if they're not giving any more money.

3. Assess your social media strategy.

Are you doing all you can to reach people online? IndieGoGo projects with a greater online presence (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) tend to raise more money than those who don't. So take a moment to assess where you can publicize your IndieGoGo campaign online. (Read our recent post 10 Places to Promote Your IndieGoGo Project Online for suggestions.)

4. Take it to the streets.

Maybe you're stuck with your head too close to the computer screen. Have you pounded the pavement a little bit? Check out our post 10 Places to Promote Your IndieGoGo Project OFF-line for some suggestions on how to get the word out in real life.

5. Make sure you're using your whole team.

Everyone with a stake in your project should be trumpeting your campaign on IndieGoGo — not just the person who set it up. Enlist the help of everyone who worked on your project and wants to see it through to the end. Give them the tools they need to share and raise awareness of your IndieGoGo campaign.

6. Offer perks to your biggest promoters.

What's in it for them? Don't stop at offering perks for donors only. Offer incentives for those bringing the most amount of donors in, too. Stay tuned for future posts on how to track this data.

7. Throw an event.

We included this idea in our 10 Places to Promote Your IndieGoGo Project OFF-line, but it bears repeating: put together a live fundraiser for your campaign. Throw a party. Get people in a space where they'll hear your pitch and provide them with the tools to give on the spot. Even if they can't make it to your event, your invite should contain links to donate.

8. Find a matching donor.

Know a person, an organization, or a business that might offer to match donations made up to a certain amount for a limited time? Offer your supporters the chance to double their money and you might even get repeat donors.

9. Align yourself with like-minded individuals.

Whatever you're raising money for, be aware of what publications, blogs, businesses, individuals and organizations might take an interest in your success and reach out to those influencers. Comment on blogs and Facebook pages, reach out via email, or visit a business or organization to explain your campaign and ask for support.  A like-minded organization could include you in an email blast, for instance, with the potential to reach 100,000 more supporters.

Overall you need to GET CREATIVE and don't give up! Most campaigns experience a slump — but it's up to you to figure out what you'll do to get your IndieGoGo kicking again. Good luck!

Had success with any of these tips? Got any of your own to add? Let us know if the comments below.

Image courtesy Flickr user Coltera.

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