July 10, 2014 · Tips & Insights

5 Ways to Rock Your Campaign’s Final 24 Hours


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Even if your Indiegogo campaign’s been going strong since Day 1, ending with a bang ensures you’ve raised as much funding as possible to keep your project moving forward. We know that campaigning is a full-time job and that your team’s energy levels at the 11th hour may be running low, but if you plan ahead and view that last day as a reason to celebrate with one final push, you might be amazed at what you can accomplish. These five tactics are proven to help campaigns finish strong!

1. Call your community into action. Campaigns that post at least three updates raise an average of 115% more funding than those that don’t. Share your progress once more before your campaign ends to engage former contributors – it may have been a while since they last visited your page! One simple and effective update option is to recap your campaign’s progress and show how everyone’s support was crucial. Make sure they feel like they’ve been on an exciting ride – one that wouldn’t have been possible without them. A sense of urgency is OK here, too – they only have so many hours left to contribute again!

The Young Turks’ Call to Action introduces a new Stretch Goal and a live Turk-a-thon
2. Introduce a new Stretch Goal. Sure, repeat contributors sound good in theory, but in reality how do you get them to come back? A new Stretch Goal that promises your audience more of what they want from your final product is a great way to get their attention. Since your campaign’s at its end, a goal that doubles your current total probably isn’t advisable. Rather, consider what you could do with 5 or 10% more funding that would make your product, project, or campaign more enjoyable. For example, The Young Turks’ campaign introduced a new stretch goal $100,000 beyond their original funding goal to build a second stage for more video production – and the announcement aligned with their live streaming Turk-a-thon.

Similarly, If you already have a Stretch Goal listed that you won’t reach in time, consider repackaging the goal so that you can deliver on some aspect of it with a smaller funding boost.

3. Launch a Referral Contest. A Referral Contest is easy to set up and run because your community happily does most of the work! For example, you could post an update saying that the funder who either brings in the most contributions by referring other people to your campaign page will win an exclusive perk or other cool prize. The better the incentive, the more success you’ll likely experience. Check out this Help Center article for more information on running a Referral Contest.

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New Matter’s Referral Contest incentivized contributors to share the campaign.
4. Bring back a popular perk – or introduce a new one. If your funders went wild over a certain perk you offered early on and then ran out of, see if you can make more! As a recent example, the Solar Roadways campaign offered a $150 Glass Solar Cell Pendant perk, and all 250 sold out. When they realized that they actually had the resources to fulfill more orders, they were able to raise an additional $24,000 by re-introducing the perk during the campaign’s final three days. Similarly, if your contributors have given substantial feedback on a perk they’d like to see that you haven’t offered, now’s the time to make them happy!

5. Pull a stunt. The internet – and Indiegogo’s community especially – loves engaging content. Many hugely successful campaigns, from Wong Fu to Who Gives A Crap, pulled off epic live streams that brought together their project, their team, and their audience to raise exceptional amounts of last-minute funding. Live streams are a great opportunity to share your personality and really let the human element of your campaign shine through. Another advantage is that you can set up your live stream so that your audience tunes in via your own campaign page, which makes that contribution button as easy as possible to access!

For more tips on making the most of your campaign’s closing days, check out this Indiegogo blog post and our Indiegogo Playbook now!

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