Posts tagged with CES 2015

Amplifier and Indiegogo
January 7, 2015 · IGG

A New Partnership: Indiegogo and Amplifier

From the floor of CES 2015, we’re excited to officially announce a partnership with Amplifier, a leading full-service production company based in Austin, Texas. Amplifier enables campaign owners to easily produce, package and ship perks including shirts, hats, mugs, stickers and other items. As a one-stop-shop,… read more

January 6, 2015 · IGG

Introducing InDemand

Today we’re introducing InDemand, a service that enables campaign owners to seamlessly transition into the next phase of operations, including accepting product pre-orders, customer acquisition and earnings growth. In just ten weeks, the pilot program of the service generated millions of dollars for dozens of participants: InDemand is… read more

Indiegogo at CES 2015
January 2, 2015 · IGG

Meet the Indiegogo Team at CES 2015

For the latest information on CES 2016, including campaigners at the Indiegogo Zone, events, speaking engagements and more, visit our new page. Indiegogo at CES 2016 Info Update:  On Wednesday, Jan 7th, 2015 we announced a partnership with Amplifier, a leading full-service production company based in Austin,… read more