January 16, 2013 · IGG

Google for Entrepreneur’s Year in Review 2012 Features Indiegogo!

Among all the crowdfunding excitement of 2012, Indiegogo celebrated a successful partnership with Google for Entrepreneurs and Stiftung Entrepreneurship called, Gründer-Garage, which was a competition for German-speaking entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs were encouraged to start Indiegogo campaigns to fund their startup ideas. As part of the… read more

January 16, 2013 · IGG

Join Us When Indiegogo Goes Sundancing Once Again!

Though headquartered in San Francisco, Indiegogo can actually count its birthplace as Park City, Utah. Five years ago this January, Indiegogo launched at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival — beginning a legacy of supporting independent filmmakers and helping to bring crowdfunding into the public eye.… read more

January 11, 2013 · IGG

Indiegogo – a Crunchie Finalist!

It’s almost time for TechCrunch’s 6th annual Crunchies Awards — the Oscars of the startup and tech world — and Indiegogo is honored to have made it to the finals under their “Biggest Social Impact” category. This year’s nominees were chosen by the public, so… read more

January 11, 2013 · IGG, Tips & Insights

12 Insights for 2012

On average, campaigns raised 20% more in 2012 than they did in 2011. Successful campaigns took an average 11 days preparing for their launch. Core campaigns ran an average 49 days in 2012, as opposed to 60 in 2011. Successful campaigns fundraised for 39 days.… read more

December 27, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (12/28/12)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what we were talking about this week: Danae A Wish for Sophie Location: Charlottesville, Virginia I know Sophie’s mama, and I know how much she… read more

December 21, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Top 12 Creative Campaigns of 2012

Indiegogo would like to celebrate the following campaigns in our Creative category, which includes Art, Comic, Dance, Design, Fashion, Film, Gaming, Music, Photography, Theater, Transmedia, Video/Web, and Writing. The creativity and effort of these campaigns have earned them a spot in the top 12 Creative… read more

December 14, 2012 · IGG

The Week That Was — Going Locally Global in London

Last week, Indiegogo made headlines when we announced the addition of transactions in Euros, Pounds Sterling, and Canadian Dollars to our platform — as well as upcoming localized versions of our site for France, Germany, the UK, and Canada, giving users locally tailored browsable content… read more

December 5, 2012 · IGG

Indiegogo legt Fokus auf Internationalisierung

English|Français|Deutsch Der kontinuierlich steigende Einfluss von Crowdfunding auf Millionen von Menschen weltweit hat Indiegogo die Möglichkeit eröffnet, Feedback von einer globalen Community und deren Kampagneneigentümern zu erhalten. Folglich sind wir sehr erfreut darüber, neue Weiterentwicklungen zu unserer Plattform verkünden zu können – Währungen, Sprachen und… read more