September 7, 2023 · Product Reviews, Products

These OTC hearing aids are very customizable

Indiegogo staffers are putting crowdfunded products to the test in our new series of honest reviews. In this edition, our very own email marketing and lifecycle strategist Karisa Hunt tried out LINNER Deluxe, the Bluetooth OTC hearing aids that our crowdfunding community is talking about. Does… read more

August 15, 2023 · Product Reviews

Lumaflex is a must-have for wellness lovers

Indiegogo staffers are putting crowdfunded products to the test in our new series of honest reviews. In this edition, our very own campaign strategy manager Adeeti Goswami tried out LUMAFLEX, which is live now on Indiegogo. Does it live up to the hype? Read on… read more

July 11, 2023 · Product Reviews

This ball launcher has great safety features

Indiegogo staffers are putting crowdfunded products to the test in our new series of honest reviews. In this edition, our very own software engineer Bryant Buttress tried out the Uahpet iRetriever, which is live now on Indiegogo. Does it live up to the hype? Read… read more

June 23, 2023 · Product Reviews

The Hover Camera X1 is a great little device

Indiegogo staffers are putting crowdfunded products to the test in our new series of honest reviews. In this edition, our very own engineering manager Scott Sanborn tried out Hover Camera X1, which is live now on Indiegogo. Does it live up to the hype? Read on… read more