Posts tagged with airtame

Indiegogo products at Brookstone
November 16, 2015 · IGG

From Concept to Market with Indiegogo and Brookstone

Indiegogo was founded with the goal of giving everyone the opportunity to fund what matters to them. Since then, we’ve seen some truly incredible and inspiring ideas come to life, and we want to provide campaigners with the tools necessary to turn their projects into… read more

AIRTAME crowdfunding a million dollars
September 10, 2015 · IGG

How To Crowdfund A Million Dollars

This guest post was written by Jonas Gyalokay, co-founder and CEO at AIRTAME, a company that wants to rid the world from screen cables and help people to work better – wirelessly.  Crowdfunding is the process of turning early-stage funding, getting to product-market fit, building… read more