Posts tagged with IndieGoGO Campaigns

July 14, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (7.14.14)

It’s shaping up to be another great week full of exciting campaigns on Indiegogo. Here are a handful of the top projects we’re talking about around the office. Help them reach their goals!     Simon’s Cat in ‘Off to the Vet’ London, UK “The… read more

June 19, 2014 · IGG

President Obama Lauds Indiegogo, Maker Community

Guest Author Jerry Needel is Indiegogo’s Head of Growth. This week, he traveled to Washington to take part in the White House Maker Faire on behalf of Indiegogo’s own Maker community. We spend most of our time at Indiegogo focusing on how we can empower… read more

December 23, 2011 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Erin/Business Development EDUCATION - BACON goes to CERN! Best All Around Club Of Nerds (BACON) just launched their campaign to send science students to the European Organization for Nuclear Research.  What's not to love about this? Slava/Founder & CEO FOOD-Woks and Lox Jews and Asians joining together… read more