September 28, 2018 · IGG

Bringing Innovations Direct to Consumers, the Indiegogo Way

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in over 10 years of helping entrepreneurs on Indiegogo, it’s that without question, one of the biggest challenges they face when launching a new product is finding their first supporters. At Indiegogo we’re proud to be empowering a new… read more

July 3, 2018 · IGG

Join us in San Francisco for the Hardware Startup Bootcamp

From concept to crowdfunding and prototyping through manufacturing, navigating the entrepreneurial world can be challenging. That’s why Arrow, Indiegogo, IBM and Indiegogo’s crowdfunding marketing partners have teamed up to help technology innovators bring their ideas to life. Join Indiegogo, Arrow, and IBM experts for a… read more

June 26, 2018 · IGG

Waggit, the Canine Wearable, Wins $50K from Arrow

The latest winner of flash funding from Arrow is Waggit, who just received an award of $50K USD as part of the Arrow Certification Program. Become part of the Arrow Certification Program to qualify for flash funding, and read on to learn about Waggit’s entrepreneurial journey to… read more