Posts tagged with Adam Chapnick

February 28, 2012 · IGG

We’re Going Down Under! (In a good way)

Image courtesy of Autism Art Project We’re setting sails all the way Down Under to Sydney to talk about crowdfunding with local partners and meet some of our IndieGoGo community. Below is the full itinerary of all our events including ways to RSVP! *** MONDAY,… read more

January 21, 2012 · IGG

IndieGoGo is Headed to Sundance!

Four years ago we launched during Sundance as a crowdfunding platform purely for filmmakers.  Since then whilst we’ve grown to include Creative, Cause and Entrepreneurial projects, this festival still holds a special place for us! Wading through snow and amidst some heavy hitters in the… read more

August 29, 2011 · IGG

SXSW 2012 Panels – Vote for IndieGoGo!

March 2012 seems like aeons away considering we’re barely over summer, the East Coast is just dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irene and school hasn’t even opened its doors to the kids. But here at IndieGoGo we’re already prepping for our workshops!  As many… read more

February 9, 2011 · Tips & Insights

IndieGoGo Filmmakers & Distribber

  If you're using IndieGoGo to raise funds to get your film made (equipment rental, editing, craft services — all that fun stuff), you may not have your head in the game yet about distribution. How are you going to get your finished film in… read more