Behind The Scenes

May 19, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (5.19.14)

QLEEK Paris, France “Qleek is an amazing new technology for sharing music and movies with friends. You can design your own “Tapp,” a wooden hexagon that connects with any playlist you have online, and they look fantastic when displayed on your wall.” – Rachel… read more

May 12, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (5.12.14)

There’s a lot to get excited about at Indiegogo HQ. Here’s just a handful of the campaigns we’re keeping an eye on this week! WolfCop Regina, SK, CA “Who is Wolfcop? Think Dirty Harry, only hairier. Indie film fans, monster lovers, comic hounds, and… read more

May 5, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (5.5.14)

Nettle’s Tale Swimwear Location: Vancouver, BC “Love this beautiful swimwear, designed in the Pacific Northwest for real women of all ages, shapes, personalities, and sizes. I can’t wait to join the Sisterhood of the Magic Bottoms!” – Ayah N. (@IndiegogoCA) End Neurofibromatosis Location: Washington, DC… read more

April 28, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (4.28.14)

No Barriers Boston Fund Location: Boston, MA “No Barriers is raising funds to provide Boston Marathon survivors with prosthetic limbs designed for athletic activities, so they can run, bike, swim and even dance again.” – Pam M. (@indiegogo)   Organic Rising Location: Brooklyn, NY “In… read more

April 25, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Indiegogo and Social Change

Guest Author Lisa Curtis began work on the successful Kuli Kuli campaign while in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa. Kuli Kuli is the first company to sell moringa food products in the US market. When I ran an Indiegogo campaign for Kuli Kuli… read more

April 21, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (4.21.14)

Indiegogo HQ is abuzz over several campaigns that caught our eye this week. What do you think? Kill the Cup Location: Various “A collaborative initiative involving university students across the nation that’s eco-friendly AND includes a limited-edition Klean Kanteen – what more could you ask… read more

April 14, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (4.14.14)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to showcase campaigns that caught their attention. Here’s what they talked about this past week: The Etiquette of Sexting Location: Toronto, Canada “You know you’re curious. Watch the pitch video.” – Ayah N. (@indiegogoCA) Alam… read more

April 9, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (4/9/2014)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what they were talking about this past week: Lost In America Documentary Location: Sherman Oaks, California “This film shares the real story of America’s… read more

March 31, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (3/31/2014)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what they were talking about this past week: Beacon Pack Location: San Jose, California “An incredible campaign to deliver education to rural parts of… read more

March 24, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (3/24/2014)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what they’ve been talking about this past week: The Future: QuantumQX Handheld Lab Location: Newcastle, United Kingdom “This incredible device uses DNA analysis to… read more