August 3, 2017 · IGG

Introducing Indiegogo for Entrepreneurs: A One-Stop Destination

Indiegogo is a launchpad for entrepreneurial ideas, and we are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs at every step from concept to market. Through partnering with top tier companies like Arrow and IBM, continuously improving your product experience and delivering educational content during your campaign, we help… read more

May 25, 2017 · IGG

Meet Indiegogo’s Preferred Agencies for Chinese Launches

Branching into the international market isn’t easy and can be intimidating for new entrepreneurs, even if they’re from a country like China that has some of the most innovative companies in the world. Chinese teams are creating consumer products like wearables, smart home items, PCs… read more

April 27, 2017 · IGG

Introducing Update Reactions: A new way to interact with backers

Do you send regular updates to your backers? If you don’t, you’re missing out on an important opportunity to keep backers happy and engaged with your campaign. In the crowdfunding world, good communication is key — especially when it comes to keeping your supporters up-to-date… read more

April 14, 2017 · IGG

Live Webinar with PlayDate, $100,000 Arrow Flash Funding winner

From component delays to inaccurate spec sheets, manufacturing is a very unpredictable process. How to conquer all the manufacturing roadblocks? Ask hardware entrepreneurs who’ve been there, done it all and won $100,000 in Arrow flash funding. Indiegogo is excited to have PlayDate, our previous Arrow… read more