January 20, 2017 · IGG

Indiegogo Returns to Park City for Sundance and Slamdance ‘17

We’re all about starting the New Year off right here at Indiegogo, and that’s just what we’ve been doing. We recently saw the first project get fully funded from Indiegogo Film’s new partnership with Morgan Spurlock and Warrior Poets — We Believe in Dinosaurs. And… read more

December 20, 2016 · IGG

Manufacture Faster and Easier with Riverwood Solutions

For first-time entrepreneurs—or even business veterans—manufacturing a hardware product can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why Riverwood Solutions, a leading manufacturing and supply-chain advisory firm, has teamed up with Indiegogo to support entrepreneurs with electronic device manufacturing. Working with Riverwood Solutions,… read more

December 7, 2016 · IGG

How we work—every day—to keep you safe

Trust (noun): firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Good relationships are built on trust, and so is community. At Indiegogo, your trust and safety are our top priorities. We want our community of entrepreneurs and backers to thrive.… read more

December 6, 2016 · IGG

General Assembly wants your vote to bring an innovation to life

At Indiegogo, we’ve seen countless brilliant ideas that aim to change the way we use technology. Today, you can help one of those ideas get off the ground, simply by voting. We’re thrilled to announce the $1,500 flash funding challenge from General Assembly. General Assembly… read more

December 5, 2016 · IGG

The First Documentary About The Origins of Sesame Street

“Come and play..Everything’s A-Ok” If you didn’t grow up watching Sesame Street, you’ve definitely heard about the famous street and its many eclectic characters. The show that has changed children’s education and television history left many questions unanswered for documentary filmmakers Trevor Crafts and Marilyn… read more

November 29, 2016 · IGG

6 Easy Ways To Make An Impact This Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global movement to kick off the holiday season with gratitude by supporting the causes we care about. We want to make giving back easy for everyone by providing a large selection of causes and charities. From environmentally conscious products to supporting a… read more

November 22, 2016 · IGG

Sell on Indiegogo: no crowdfunding campaign required

Today we’re announcing a new pilot program to let entrepreneurs sell products directly on Indiegogo. In this new pilot, entrepreneurs with products that are currently shipping can tap into Indiegogo’s community of innovation seekers without running a crowdfunding campaign. They don’t have to raise a… read more