July 2, 2015 · IGG

5 Ways to Help a Friend Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Since Indiegogo first launched, we’ve seen a growing trend of people everywhere raising money for medical needs—many of which have came from a diagnosis of cancer within one’s family or group of friends. In fact, this clear increase influenced Indiegogo’s launch of Indiegogo Life in… read more

June 25, 2015 · IGG

Notes from China: 16 Days of Maker Wonder!

I just got back from a 16-day, 14-presentation, 100s-of-entrepreneurs, 11-accelerator, 3-factory visit to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Taipei, where my colleague Ben Bateman (@Gilbetrar) and I did a whirlwind tour of the exploding “maker movement.” In the US we might use the term “entrepreneur”… read more

crowdfunding for a cure
June 24, 2015 · IGG

Crowdfunding for a Cure

CrowdMed Founder, Jessica, launched a fundraiser on Indiegogo Life to raise funds for patients who cannot afford to get help for their case. She’s shared a bit about her experience with us below. Tell us a bit about your fundraiser. One in ten people living… read more

June 23, 2015 · IGG

New and Improved: Shipping Perks

Indiegogo is a truly global platform – every week we distribute funds to campaigners in 70-100 countries. Campaigners can easily connect with contributors on the other side of the globe, which presents unique challenges for campaigners – one of which is collecting payments to ship… read more

Hadlie's bucket list fundraiser
May 22, 2015 · IGG

Fundraising for Hadlie

When doctors determined that Hadlie, a three-year-old suffering from a highly aggressive and rare brain tumor only had a few months left to live, her parents launched an Indiegogo Life fundraiser to raise enough money to check off everything on the little girl’s bucket list before… read more

May 18, 2015 · IGG

Spotify and Indiegogo Make Music Change _________.

As a global platform focused on bringing people together to make big things happen, our ecosystem of passionate campaigners and contributors is an integral part of Indiegogo’s core company mission. Similarly, Spotify thrives on the collaboration of music-lovers worldwide to share and discover the tracks… read more

May 7, 2015 · IGG

Tell Your Story: Product Development Updates

You have just successfully launched an Indiegogo campaign for your new consumer product. Your team has done a lot of prototyping, flushed out the engineering CAD files, and everyone on the squad is hustling to get your company funded. Now you have to prepare to… read more

May 5, 2015 · IGG

The Latest in Tech

Hello there! What better way to spend your time reading a blog post… than watching it! We thought it was about time we put together a video to share some of the amazing stories from over the past year. Indiegogo is home to some incredible… read more