Indiegogo podcast on iTunes
August 31, 2015 · IGG

It’s Go Time! Introducing Our New Podcast

We’re beyond excited to announce Go Time: the official Indiegogo podcast. Hosted by Bret Harris, Director of Business Development, and Dave Mandelbrot, Chief Operating Officer, Go Time is a biweekly podcast that provides an intimate, behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives and inspirations of those crowdfunding on… read more

Hasbro Indiegogo Next Great Game
August 28, 2015 · IGG

Indiegogo and Hasbro are Searching for the Next Great Game

We’re excited to announce our latest collaboration with Hasbro, a leader in gaming and one of the world’s largest gaming companies and behind many of your favorite games such as Monopoly, Scrabble, The Game of Life and Battleship. But beyond the classics, Hasbro is also focused on… read more

Help Fatima End Bonded Labor
August 19, 2015 · IGG

By the Numbers: The World Unites to End Modern-Day Slavery

Syeda Ghulam Fatima risks her life daily to free laborers in Pakistan from what is essentially modern-day slavery. In rural areas where work is scarce, Pakistani men and women are forced to take loans from brick kiln owners, which they pay off with manual labor.… read more

Shock Top and Indiegogo
August 13, 2015 · IGG

Indiegogo and Shock Top Team Up to Shock the Drought

We need water to survive. Water is essential for drinking, growing food, keeping ourselves clean – and that’s just the basics. As California enters its fourth straight year of severe drought, it’s become more apparent than ever that we need to take measures to ensure… read more

White House Demo Day Indiegogo
August 7, 2015 · IGG

Indiegogo Attends the First Ever White House Demo Day

On Tuesday, August 4, 2015, Indiegogo was a part of history: we attended the first ever White House Demo Day. Hosted by President Obama himself, Demo Day was created to bring together a diverse group of entrepreneurs, startups, venture capitalists and large tech companies to… read more

film crowdfunding TEDx talk
July 31, 2015 · IGG

Crowdfunding Today, Tomorrow, Together at TEDx

Last year, I had the privilege of speaking at TEDxJerseyCity about the wonders of crowdfunding and how it’s creating a “Brave New World” with every technology product that is launched, every film funded and produced that otherwise might never have gotten off the page, and… read more

Amazon Indiegogo collaboration
July 28, 2015 · IGG

A New Collaboration: Indiegogo and Amazon

Indiegogo was created in 2008 to empower entrepreneurs and people all around the world to turn their dreams into reality. Today, we are excited to announce another way funding on Indiegogo can help you gain global exposure and connect with new audiences: being featured on… read more

crowdfunding tuition on Indiegogo
July 21, 2015 · IGG

Crowdfunding Tuition with Draper University and Indiegogo Life

Draper University has partnered with Indiegogo Life to enable Draper University applicants to raise funds for their tuition. At our site, you can see campaigns from budding entrepreneurs who explain why they want to attend Draper University and what business they plan to launch. Through… read more

crowdfunding developing countries
July 10, 2015 · IGG

Indiegogo Life in the Spotlight: AlliedCrowds’ July 2015 Report

Since its inception in December 2014, Indiegogo Life has already raised millions of dollars for campaigns all over the world. The fee-free service makes crowdfunding for any type of personal cause accessible to anyone who wants or needs it. AlliedCrowds, a company devoted to growing… read more

July 9, 2015 · IGG

Introducing Shipping Now

Today we’re introducing Shipping Now, a new way to explore perks from popular Indiegogo campaigns. We know individuals contribute to campaigns for several different reasons, one being that they’re interested in getting a specific perk, whether that’s a new wearable, innovative drone, or unique film. With thousands of popular… read more