Health Tech Crowdfunding
October 7, 2015 · IGG

Beyond Wearables: Health Tech Brings Focus Back to Patients

Perhaps because it’s back-to-school time, fall is full of events whose main focus is to improve the systems we live and work in. One of the biggest challenges we have been grappling with is healthcare. Instead of receiving the care they deserve, patients are mired… read more

Ubuntu Edge successful crowdfunding projects
October 1, 2015 · IGG

Ubuntu Edge & Beyond: What We Learned from Crowdfunding

This guest post was written by Amrisha Prashar, Campaign and Social Media Manager across the devices division at Canonical.  Some of you may remember the Ubuntu Edge Indiegogo campaign back in 2013, where an audacious $32 million goal was set in order to build the next… read more

IFP International Film Week 2015
September 30, 2015 · IGG

Wrapping Up IFP Independent Film Week 2015

IFP’s Independent Film Week in New York is a unique event, drawing participants from around the world who wish to celebrate diversity in film and media. Not only does it provide an opportunity for storytellers across all mediums to connect with industry and peers alike,… read more

Indiegogo podcast on iTunes
September 25, 2015 · IGG

Go Time Podcast: Bluesmart & Miss Possible Discuss Campaign Success

This month we sat down with two very different Indiegogo campaigns, showcasing how diverse, innovative and inspiring our campaigners truly are. First up is Bluesmart, the world’s smartest suitcase that keeps you connected and secure everywhere you go. They successfully raised $1.3 million in less than two months and went… read more

Fantastic Fest crowdfunded films
September 25, 2015 · IGG

The Horror, The Horror: 3 Tips to Gorify Your Crowdfunding

This year, Indiegogo is a proud Premier Sponsor of Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas with a team on the ground and many exciting Indiegogo campaigns in flight. We’re also particularly excited to be welcoming the world premiere of Rooster Teeth’s LAZER TEAM, a record-breaking Indiegogo… read more

crowdfund Indiegogo projects
September 24, 2015 · IGG

Maximizing Crowdfunding Campaigns with InDemand

When we first launched InDemand in September 2014, we wanted campaigners to be able to keep raising funds for their innovative ideas long after their campaigns ended. After all, each of our campaigners works hard to build momentum during the campaign, sharing their dreams with… read more

fundraising for rare diseases
September 16, 2015 · IGG

Crowdfunding Gives Hope for Rare Diseases

This guest post was written by Ana Sanfilippo, VP of Global Strategy at Rare Genomics Institute. For years, Maya Nieder suffered from severe developmental delays, including difficulty communicating and hearing loss. She endured multiple operations and countless tests before exome sequencing revealed a mutation in her… read more

AIRTAME crowdfunding a million dollars
September 10, 2015 · IGG

How To Crowdfund A Million Dollars

This guest post was written by Jonas Gyalokay, co-founder and CEO at AIRTAME, a company that wants to rid the world from screen cables and help people to work better – wirelessly.  Crowdfunding is the process of turning early-stage funding, getting to product-market fit, building… read more

Indiegogo Life Medical Fundraising
September 2, 2015 · IGG

Indiegogo Life Launches Medical Fundraising Page

Though the uninsured rate among US adults has dropped more than 4 percentage points since passage of the Affordable Care Act, there are still plenty of costs that patients and their communities face when pursuing health.  At our free site for personal fundraising, Indiegogo Life,… read more