May 1, 2015 · IGG

20,000 People Join Forces to Support Nepal

In 2008, Slava Rubin co-founded Indiegogo to rally his community in supporting multiple myeloma research, the rare form of cancer that his father faced when Slava was young.  Over the past seven years since then, the number of people raising funds for the causes that… read more

April 26, 2015 · IGG

ITN Source & Indiegogo Documentary Archive Program

          Are you a documentary filmmaker looking for great footage to tell your story? ITN Source can help you with that. Today, we’re launching a Documentary Archive Program which will give Indiegogo filmmakers direct access to historical news and entertainment footage… read more

April 23, 2015 · IGG

Israel: Silicon Wadi

Hello from Israel! With quickly expanding innovations in technological fields including medical devices, security tools, software development, general IT and defenses, along with many global consumer apps such as Moovit, Wix, Waze, Gett and Yo!, it’s no wonder that Israel is frequently called the Start-Up Nation or… read more

April 16, 2015 · IGG

Why Patents Matter to Startups

Why should a startup bother patenting its innovation when the application process takes over 2.5 years on average for utility patents? Though valid, this question misses a crucial point. Patent applications help startups get funded. Get Patents to Get Funded According to a 2008 Berkeley… read more

April 15, 2015 · IGG

The ABCs to Raising Money for Medical Expenses

Mila Marie Villanova was two-years-old when she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and started chemotherapy treatment. Her parents were heartbroken. Mila’s mother took leave from work to care for her daughter and, while they had medical insurance, the family needed help covering out-of-pocket… read more

April 7, 2015 · IGG

A New Feature: Campaigner Profile Cards

At Indiegogo, we routinely gather feedback from users and use this information to help determine what features we build. Some contributors want additional background information about the people running campaigns, as well as an easier way to communicate directly with campaigners, and many campaigners want a way… read more

April 2, 2015 · IGG

Hardware Campaigns: Back to the Basics

It was 9:15 pm on a Sunday evening when I got a call from a temporary employment agency asking me if I wanted to be a Customer Happiness agent for “Indie-something,” and if so, to show up at 8:45 am on Monday morning for the… read more

April 1, 2015 · IGG

Introducing Indiegogo Heat

Building off the success of Indiegogo Life, we’ve decided to expand into the next big crowdfunding category—Hot Sauce. We at Indiegogo have always taken pride in enabling people to fund what matters to them and to seek support from like-minded communities to bring ideas to… read more

March 5, 2015 · IGG

Hardware Pitch Video Tips: the First Thirty Seconds

As a Technology, Design and Hardware Campaign Specialist, I spend a lot of time reviewing campaign pages, perks and outreach strategies. Unfortunately, however, I don’t often have the opportunity to work closely with campaigners on their pitch videos. This is a shame because a pitch… read more