January 24, 2014 · IGG

Grammy-Nominated Indiegogo Crowdfunders

The 56th Annual Grammy Awards are happening this Sunday night, and a couple of Indiegogo crowdfunders have been nominated! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq7rEVSaJrM Hiatus Kaiyote crowdfunded its U.S. tour last year, including funding their way to SXSW. They are nominated for Best R&B Performance for their single Nekamarra,… read more

January 23, 2014 · IGG

‘New Ways on Fundraising’ Keynote at DLD14

Slava Rubin, CEO and Co-Founder of Indiegogo, gave a keynote speech and led a panel discussion on ‘New Ways on Fundraising’ at the DLD14 Conference this week in Munich, Germany. The panel included Co-Founder and CEO of Auxmoney, Raffael Johnen; European Principal at AngelList, Philipp… read more

January 20, 2014 · IGG

Indiegogo’s New Film Distribution Program

Today we’re launching our Film Fulfillment Program, which will provide Indiegogo campaigners streamlined access to free or discounted rates on film distribution and fulfillment services with our program partners, VHX and Yekra. (Links to register are at the end of this post!) Through this new… read more

January 16, 2014 · IGG

Indiegogo at Sundance 2014

Headed to Sundance this year? If so, Indiegogo will be there, too! Here’s where we’ll be: FRIDAY, January 17th New Methods of Distribution, Development, and Financing Panel Collective Lounge, 738 Main Street 12:00pm-1:00pm MST Moderated by Jennifer Prince, Head of Media & Entertainment, Twitter. Including Marc… read more

December 16, 2013 · IGG

This Week: Nominate & Win $100 for a Favorite Perk!

It’s the ho-ho-holidays, and in the spirit of giving, we want to know what your favorite perk is on Indiegogo. We’ll randomly select two winners each day that will receive $100 to put toward their fave perk! To enter, share your favorite perk(s) on Facebook… read more

December 13, 2013 · IGG

#GivingTuesday: Keep giving through the holidays

Indiegogo empowers people to achieve their dreams and fund what matters to them. A contribution in someone’s honor can be the most meaningful of holiday gifts. For example, I got my dad private pre-theatrical screen access to the Roger Ebert documentary, my fiancé this new… read more

December 10, 2013 · IGG

[VIDEO] What Matters to You? Canadian Edition

As Pomp Le Moose and I settle in to our famous Canadian winter, our Fall cross-country roadtrip through Canada isn’t far from our minds. We shared some of our highlights here, but we also wanted to dig a little deeper into some of Canada’s brightest… read more

December 10, 2013 · IGG

#GivingTuesday: Just the beginning

Thanks to you, over 250 campaigns participated in our #GivingTuesday initiative, raising over $1.3 million dollars from 43 different countries for worthy causes changing the world. #GivingTuesday is intended to kickoff the giving season. Now is the perfect time to come back, spread the word,… read more

Indiegogo #GivingTuesday
November 13, 2013 · IGG

Join Indiegogo in Supporting #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday is a movement to create a global day of giving at the beginning of the holiday season. In its first year (2012), it activated over 2,500 partners and increased online giving by 50%. Indiegogo is excited to be a part of this movement because… read more

October 21, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Roundup

Our gogoCA tour has come to a close, and what a journey it’s been! We met with filmmakers, musicians, and authors; tech entrepreneurs, restaurant owners, and designers; longstanding nonprofits, community groups, and caring groups of friends. We stepped inside Indiegogo-powered restaurants, boutiques, and startup hubs. We… read more