October 16, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Days 10 & 11: Hello Vancouver!

Ocean to Ocean – Hello Vancity! Friends, we made it! After 2 weeks, 8 cities, and 53 (or more?) cups of coffee, we crossed into Beautiful British Columbia for the last stop of our #gogoCA tour. Check out some highlights from our train through the… read more

October 11, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Day 9: Hello Edmonton!

Hello Edmo! After a lovely drive up from Calgary, the glow of Edmonton (or was that the Northern Lights!?) welcomed us to our second-to-last stop on our tour. Keep on reading to see some of our favourite spots in the city, plus stories from Oksana’s… read more

October 8, 2013 · IGG

Announcing NEW Campaigner Dashboard with Google Analytics!

For over 5 years, Indiegogo has been digging into its mountains of data to provide crowdfunders with insights into what makes campaigns successful — and tips and tricks to make it happen. While we’re never going to let up on our commitment to educate, we… read more

October 4, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Day 8: Hello Calgary!

Howdy Cowtown! We made our way to Alberta with our first stop in Calgary. Scroll on down for a taste of Calgary, plus stories from from campaigners Help an Artist Keep his Eyesight (Health) by artist Andrew Tarrant, Humanity Unscripted (Web/Video) by a team of… read more

October 1, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Day 7: Hello Saskatoon!

Prairies on prairies on prairies! Next up on our tour comes Saskatoon, which greeted us with some gorgeous views from the sky. Read on for highlights from the “Paris of the Prairies,” including stories from the campaigners behind Modo: Ember’s End (Comic) and The New… read more

September 30, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Day 6: Hello Winnipeg!

We made it to middle ground! Mid-way through the tour and mid-way through the country, we touched down in the ‘Peg for week two of our #gogoCA tour. We had a music-filled day, which isn’t a huge surprise. Though it makes up only 2.25 per… read more

September 27, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Days 4 & 5: Hello Toronto!

We rounded out a crazy-busy-inspiring week 1 of our #gogoCA tour in Canada’s largest city, Toronto. Keep on scrolling to see some of our favourite spots in the city, plus stories on campaigns The Sgt. Pepper Album (Music) from the Art of Time Ensemble, Shadeism: Digger… read more

September 24, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Day 3: Hello Ottawa!

Hello from the Hill! We trained in bright and early to arrive to our nation’s capital for a jam-packed day of campaigner meetings! Keep on reading to see some of our fave Ottawa sights, and interviews with Indiegogo campaigners from Vegan Cuts (Food), Startup Canada (Small Business),… read more

September 23, 2013 · IGG

#gogoCA Day 2: Salut, Montréal!

Bienvenue à Montréal! Montréal, nous t’aimons! We landed bright and early, and set off for a whirlwind 24 hours in this cultural capital. Check out some of our favourite discoveries on the streets of Montréal, plus stories of campaigners With This Ring (Film), Skateboards for… read more

September 20, 2013 · IGG

Update on the JOBS Act – Title II and Crowdfunding

Hi Everyone, As you might have read recently, Title II of the JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our Businesses Startup Act) will go into effect on Monday, legalizing the public solicitation of accredited investors in the United States. In other words, it will lift a decades-old ban… read more