Team Indiegogo's Campaign Roundup 7.13
July 13, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (7/13/12)

Andrew/Growth Who Gives A Crap – toilet paper that builds toilets Location: Melbourne, Australia I give a crap! A great viral campaign with an even better cause. Crista/Catalysts CABORCA 2012 SEASON Location: New York, New York It’s great to see this NYC based theater company thinking outside… read more

Team Indiegogo's Weekly Campaign Favorites 6/29/12
June 29, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (6/29/12)

Andrew/Marketing Spectrum Location: Bristol, United Kingdom Based on the spec video, this game will be beautiful!             Bosco/Senior Software Engineer BlackGirlsCODE’s 2012 Summer of Code Location: San Francisco, USA Getting more girls to be engineers can only be a good thing.… read more

June 27, 2012 · IGG

The Internet Doing Good, Well

The video of Karen Klein reiterated that bullying is a persistent problem in our country, while also demonstrating that bullying can come in the form of a group — leaders, followers, and silent observers. Mob mentality meets willful ignorance. The “crowd” at its very worst. This same event,… read more

June 6, 2012 · IGG

Indiegogo Raises $15mm to Become Funding Platform for All

Since we launched Indiegogo in 2008, we’ve been focused on democratizing fundraising, and creating a platform that allows anybody to raise money for anything, from anywhere. We’ve come a long way since then. Indiegogo now distributes millions of dollars to campaigners in nearly 200 countries,… read more