January 21, 2012 · IGG

IndieGoGo is Headed to Sundance!

Four years ago we launched during Sundance as a crowdfunding platform purely for filmmakers.  Since then whilst we’ve grown to include Creative, Cause and Entrepreneurial projects, this festival still holds a special place for us! Wading through snow and amidst some heavy hitters in the… read more

December 30, 2011 · IGG

Year in Review Part IV: IndieGoGo’s Best Campaigns of 2011

  With the new year on the horizon, its time to celebrate the year gone past by sharing some of the best and brightest campaigns on IndieGoGo. These are campaigns that have knocked it out of the park with their GoGoFactor, fundraising goals, or overall idea… read more

December 19, 2011 · IGG

IndieGoGo Offers Fixed Funding!

When we launched IndieGoGo in January 2008, we started with Fixed Funding.  Over the years much has changed based on your feedback, and we have quickly grown based on our Flexible Funding model.  Today we are excited to announce we are going back to our… read more

November 1, 2011 · IGG

Our Weekly DIWO Tweet Up Launches!

Launching tomorrow, each Wednesday for the next month at 12pm PST/3pm EST (USA), we’ll be launching a DIWO Twitter discussion!   Tweet us your questions @IndieGoGo including the hashtag #GoGoDIWO and our Customer Happiness team will respond with campaign education tips and tricks. Topics include:… read more

October 24, 2011 · IGG

PARTNER SPOTLIGHT: Beta Ltd. Announces “Indie Award” Startup Competition in Partnership with IndieGoGo

Offering an innovative alternative to traditional fundraising, Beta Ltd. today announces the “Indie Award”, a competition for early stage technology startups. Beta Ltd. produces startup mixers in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Seattle, Boulder, and Dublin. At each event, a selected group of startups presents before Beta Ltd.’s audience, comprised of hundreds of founders, developers, media professionals, and… read more

September 15, 2011 · IGG

The SEC Creates Advisory Panel to Explore Crowdfunding Law

The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently examining its current rules which states that private companies cannot access public investors beyond individual investments of $100.  Should this rule be formalized, it can affect the legal ramifications for crowd-funding activity and minimize the usage… read more

September 7, 2011 · IGG

DC Shorts Film Festival: Sept 8-18

DC Shorts Film Festival, now in it’s 8th year, kicks off tomorrow showcasing the largest audience-driven collection of short films in the USA.  With 145 films from 23 nations, the event will draw together hundreds of filmmakers and thousands of audience to explore the world… read more