Posts tagged with tech

March 15, 2018 · IGG

Diversity Matters: The Future is Female

Silicon Valley has long come under fire for its lack of diversity, largely because its version of entrepreneurship has always been accessible only to a select and privileged few. Indiegogo was founded to change that – we believe deeply that anyone should have a chance… read more

October 10, 2016 · In The News

The Future of Headphones is Here

Danae spoke at the Inc. Iconic conference last week, so in her honor (and in honor of all Indiegogo campaigners) CNBC put together this list of some of the biggest Indiegogo campaigns. It’s always fun to celebrate. We were also part of Art House Theater… read more

July 21, 2014 · Behind The Scenes

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (7.21.14)

The two film campaigns in this week’s roundup nicely demonstrate the sheer scope of projects running on Indiegogo at any given time: one is a thoughtful portrayal of the LGBT community in a sci-fi premise, while the other follows a group of friends on a… read more

June 23, 2014 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo Campaign Roundup (6.23.14)

  With each roundup, we realize how many great Indiegogo campaigns are running at a time. This week’s selection is great, though by no means comprehensive! Check it out and let us know which campaign you’re most excited about.   Skylock San Francisco “Skylock is… read more