Behind The Scenes

April 26, 2012 · Behind The Scenes

Students at Carnegie Mellon Launch Crowdfunding Campaigns

We love hearing about all the different ways teachers are integrating Indiegogo and crowdfunding into their curriculums. (You may have even read how our CEO wants kids to launch 10 startups in 10 years.) Over at Carnegie Mellon University, the “Creative Process” course taught by Prof. Steven Dow explores… read more

March 10, 2012 · Behind The Scenes

PERK POWER: Surfer Talk & Family Trees

$15 Terror Magazine Location: Austin, USA Covering the gamet of art, beauty, business, culture, craft and health, Terror is a quarterly publication with an online component.  Focused on female empowerment the online magazine is ’catering to the protestors, the beauty queens, the punks, librarians and… read more