Behind The Scenes

February 24, 2012 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Erin/Business Development Lead Dr. Bob's Sound School Location: North Carolina, USA The Moog Foundation's campaign to help improve music education in schools is in its last days.  Great perks and wonderful cause.  Please check it out and donate to help enrich lives through the power of music:… read more

February 17, 2012 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up!

Danae/COO & Founder Date My Jewish Friend Extravaganza Location: New York, USA Love is in the air!  Hope you and your friends enjoyed an awesome V-day this week.  If not, perhaps a one-month matchmaking marathon is in store?  Erica/Director of Marketing Faraja Orphanage Children's Home… read more

February 14, 2012 · Behind The Scenes

Guest Blogger, Karen from Free Bread: 5 Small Business Campaigns

Because of IndieGoGo, my company, Free Bread, Inc.  exceeded it’s campaign goal of $10,500.00 in October of 2011.  Free Bread bakes outstanding rolls of fresh, gluten, nut, sugar and corn-free bread, and distributes them to local cafes, markets, and restaurants around New York.  We had zero capital before starting the campaign… read more

February 10, 2012 · Behind The Scenes

IndieGoGo Team: Campaign Round Up

Caitlin/Director of Operations Photographing the Desert Location: Liege, Belgium This photographer helps people travel the world through his photography. "I want my pictures and writings to make people feel there's another reality in this world, that their dream may be somewhere [other] than in their mind.… read more