September 14, 2012 · IGG

Deutsche Crowdfunder: Auf die Plätze, fertig, Indiegogo!

Letzten Monat haben wir eine spannende Kooperation zwischen Indiegogo, Google und der Stiftung Entrepreneurship in Deutschland angekündigt: Die sogenannte Gründer-Garage, ein deutschsprachiger Crowdfunding-Wettbewerb. Seit Beginn wurden bereits 140 Kampagnen ausgewählt, die gegeneinander antreten werden. Teilnehmer waren eifrig damit beschäftigt, ihre Kampagnen für die Veröffentlichung fertigzustellen… read more

September 14, 2012 · IGG

German Crowdfunders: On Your Mark, Get Set, Indiegogo!

Last month, we announced an exciting partnership between Indiegogo, Google, and Stiftung Entrepreneurship in Germany called, Gruender-Garage — a crowdfunding competition for German-speaking entrepreneurs. Since then, 140 campaigns have been selected to compete, entrants have been busily getting their campaigns ready for the public, and… read more

September 7, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (9/7/12)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what we were talking about this week: Andrew/Growth The Drip Clip: A life-saving, low-cost technology Location: Seattle, Washington The makers and life hackers of… read more

August 31, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (8/30/12)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what we were talking about this week: Bret/Growth Domino Street: An App for Your Neighborhood Location: Brooklyn, New york Cool app promoting local culture &… read more

August 24, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (8/24/12)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what we were talking about this week: Andrew/Growth Stephen Fry animation of Wilde’s fairytale for the National Literacy Trust! Location: London, United Kingdom Oscar Wilde’s… read more

August 18, 2012 · IGG

Join Indiegogo in Berlin — with Co-Founder Danae Ringelmann

As we first announced at the beginning of August, Indiegogo recently partnered with Google and Stiftung Entrepreneurship to launch a competition for German-speaking entrepreneurs, Gruender-Garage. Competitors will run Indiegogo campaigns to fund their startup ideas, and successful campaigns will receiving matching funds from Google —… read more

August 17, 2012 · Behind The Scenes, IGG

Team Indiegogo’s Campaign Roundup (8/17/12)

Every week, we give team members at Indiegogo an opportunity to talk about the campaigns that have caught their attention. Here’s what we were talking about this week: An/Product A Smile With Every Bite! Location: St. Paul Minnesota I think this is wonderful! I love… read more

August 16, 2012 · IGG

Vote to Get Indiegogo to SXSW!

South By Southwest (SXSW) has grown well beyond its garage band roots into a 9-day, music, film, and tech extravaganza — with artists, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs travelling from around the world to put their fingers on the pulse of global creativity. As part of the… read more