Indiegogo Google Primer Lesson
March 25, 2016 · IGG

How Crowdfunding Success Begins with an Email

Attention Entrepreneurs! Google’s Primer App and Indiegogo have teamed up to create a short lesson on why email marketing is so important for crowdfunding entrepreneurs. Overall, we find that building momentum early can help set up a campaign for long-term success. Campaigns that raise 30%… read more

Triscuit Maker Fund on Indiegogo
March 23, 2016 · IGG

Introducing the $250,000 Triscuit Maker Fund

Thousands of artisanal food makers have launched their culinary projects on Indiegogo, such as Good Spread Peanut Butter, a fortified food to fight malnutrition, Moringa Green Energy Shots, an organic superfood that empowers farmers in Haiti and LocoL, a revolutionary fast food concept. We’ve always been driven… read more

Indiegogo SXSW Film Festival 2016
March 11, 2016 · IGG

Indiegogo Film Premieres 14 Films At SXSW 2016!

This post was updated on 3/16/2016 with an additional film, Hired Gun, bringing the total to 14 Indiegogo Films at SXSW 2016. Great weather. Great BBQ. Great music. Oh, and great FILMS! That’s the best way to sum up Austin’s SXSW if you’ve never been.… read more

IFP International Film Week 2015
March 8, 2016 · IGG

Apply for the 2016 Indiegogo Fellowship with IFP!

Update 4/5/2016: Congratulations to the winner of the Indiegogo Fellowship: Skye Von’s Falling Out Of Love! Instead of making yet another traditional music video, Falling Out Of Love is partaking in a revolution and creating a fantastic journey into VR, interactivity and role playing. Their… read more

International Women's Day 2016
March 8, 2016 · IGG

Women’s Day Should Be Every Day

Over eight years ago, we created Indiegogo to give everyone with a passion an equal shot at success. Too often were ideas going unborn because they lacked access to funding, because the gatekeepers that control finance had made the decision that those ideas weren’t worthy.… read more

Lesbians Who Tech
February 25, 2016 · IGG

Empowerment in Action: Lesbians Who Tech Summit

Empowerment is one of our core values at Indiegogo: our mission is to make entrepreneurship accessible to anyone with a passion. Our platform offers tons of help to entrepreneurs looking to go from idea to reality, with our Coming Soon pages featuring upcoming campaigns, to… read more

February 12, 2016 · IGG

Show Some Love this Valentine’s Day on Generosity

Remember how Valentine’s Day was celebrated when you were younger? As a kid, it’s not about focusing on just one person. When you passed out candy and valentines to the whole class, it made everyone feel included and loved. This Valentine’s Day, we encourage you… read more